429 Responses

      • Fuck a guy for 9 months in ass. Don’t let him shit while doing this. After 9 months take a garbage bag and now ask him to dump his shit in that.

        What you get is a gay baby.

          • You are all idiots. just google “How long does it take to render 4k animation”. The result will prove that animo is a fucking liar and is just milking
            Anyway, I’m not complaining cuz this is free stuff. But for the people paying for their subscription to him, he is fucking them over big time lol

        • You are all idiots. just google “How long does it take to render 4k animation”. The result will prove that animo is a fucking liar and is just milking
          Anyway, I’m not complaining cuz this is free stuff. But for the people paying for their subscription to him, he is fucking them over big time lol

          • You are all idiots. just google “How long does it take to render 4k animation”. The result will prove that animo is a fucking liar and is just milking
            Anyway, I’m not complaining cuz this is free stuff. But for the people paying for their subscription to him, he is fucking them over big time lol

      • You are all idiots. just google “How long does it take to render 4k animation”. The result will prove that animo is a fucking liar and is just milking
        Anyway, I’m not complaining cuz this is free stuff. But for the people paying for their subscription to him, he is fucking them over big time lol

        • You are all idiots. just google “How long does it take to render 4k animation”. The result will prove that animo is a fucking liar and is just milking
          Anyway, I’m not complaining cuz this is free stuff. But for the people paying for their subscription to him, he is fucking them over big time lol

          • You are all idiots. just google “How long does it take to render 4k animation”. The result will prove that animo is a fucking liar and is just milking
            Anyway, I’m not complaining cuz this is free stuff. But for the people paying for their subscription to him, he is fucking them over big time lol

    • I coined the term White Nigger.
      True meaning:
      A nigger who cant accept when he sees white man buying machine instead of him.

    • You are all idiots. just google “How long does it take to render 4k animation”. The result will prove that animo is a fucking liar and is just milking
      Anyway, I’m not complaining cuz this is free stuff. But for the people paying for their subscription to him, he is fucking them over big time lol

  1. wow 10 mins just like 1 week ago, wow, so much progress, see you guys next year!

  2. Hay i am that chinese guy and i got tired of eating my dogs so i tried eating my cat tonight and i have to tell you guys
    Its so much better than dog
    You should totally try it and see for yourself

  3. The slower he works, the more money he makes from subscriptions. What a poor business model, since both sides feel cheated. He wants more money, we want more content

    • You obviously don’t know how long it takes to make and render a 4k animated movie…

      • it takes 5-10 hours to render a 200 minute lobg 4k animated movie.. up to 2 weeks with tonnes of technical problems soooo yeah theres no way in hell it takes 2 weeks+ just for 30 minutes in 1080p

        • Obviously you dont know what you are talking about. This is not premade video. This is a 3d animation and rendering all effects like liquids, detailed textures etc takes alot of time.

  4. I use to think people were overreacting with the whole “milking” business, but for there to be this little progress in 8 days is a tad sad… Like the content, but lack of transparency is just bad.

  5. Let’s just pretend it says another 10 minutes instead of around, that’ll satisfy some heads.

  6. He’s not working slow you guys, it’s obvious he is not really rendering. Some of the photos are new but many old. He said a week ago too that about 10 minutes were rendered. He likely already has the whole video rendered and is milking.

    • I bet if someone hacked his pc he would find the whole video + the next 2-3 projects that will milk his subs for next years

      • Animo’s PC is loaded with your mom and wild sister porn.
        That’s how he get script for his new projects.

      • I bet if niggers learned how to read you’d understand why rendering takes so long

  7. this entire comment section/community is fucked… just enjoy your horse shit and go. And yes he probably makes a fuck ton of money each month by dragging this on. Think about it, 6 bucks a pop at currently 7337 subscribers, thats 44,022 dollars a month. he has every right to drag this horse shit on as long as you sick fucks keep coming back for it.

  8. Man I hope this purple shit will kick in while Brutus will be fucking Quiet. Like suddenly she’ll become too tight, and Brutus, frightened, will try to pull his dick out with all his might. Quiet will cry and beg while horse will be ripping her womb out, then interrogator will stuff Quiet’s mouth with remaining pieces of her own womb and use her new hole as urinal.

    • “Brutus, frightened” Could you do me a favor and post your soyboy guro scene ideas in your Tmblr away from the respective establishment that is this, you nigger?

      • oh yes the respectful establishment of horse porn of course we are all weridos who get of to this

    • 3 types of comments here consistently

      “He’s milking us guys, look! He’s milking us! Arrrrrgh!!”

      “Insert random edgy obligatory racist/ignorant ass comment here”

      “Animo should really make *unnecessarily gory weird shit that’ll never happen because it bypasses the threshold of some shit that is already weird enough* I think that would be neat!”

  9. Who else noticed how he removed the first sentence that said it had been still 10 minutes? If you compare these renders to those of August though you’ll see he hasn’t make much progress indeed.

  10. He deleted the part with the “10 min rendered already” from this post when he got shit for bassicly saying the same thing as the week before. Let me repeat myself ~You Are A Nigger.

    • Animo is a nigger, confirmed.
      Legit lying and stealing… pure definition of a nigger.

      • Where is the “You closet racist I bet you want nigger dick” cuck at? Choaking on “Ani-gers” man tits, thats where.

      • Fun fact: through out history white males have been proven to be most likely to lie and steal.

        Get your racist shit out of here.

        • No u need fuck out and go back to Africa mf.
          I will buy u 1way ticket if your broken ass can’t.

        • Yet statisticly they invented the most things then all other races combined. WP

          • Without whites or men, we’d still be in the fucking stone age lmao niggers love using what they didn’t create then trying to take credit for it

          • lol you think cavemem were white? lmao imagine jesus is dark color toned

        • as a white man who has had multiple prison sentences for stealing this sounds accurate I got arrested in Germany for bank robbery

          • Still youre not a nigger shouting “BLM” just so you get praise amd no one drags your ass back to jail. Fucking niggers and weak white people supporting the most racist thing since “niggers”

          • Idk what’s worse, being a white German cuck for niggers or just being a nigger

        • Niggers make up a small part of American society yet commit most crimes. Niggers only make music about crime, rape, and glorifying drugs & alcohol. Niggers sold themselves into slavery lmao if that’s not the epitome of lying and stealing I don’t know what is. Nobody likes niggers, not even real Africans.

      • How is it stealing when simps just legally pay you money? You sound like a nigger: Angry someone else has it better than you because you made shitty life choices. Nigger.

        • The dumbest argument yet. Go on call him a “fag” or something you underdeveloped burnt burden on society. <– thats "a nigger" for you common and simple folk.

  11. When I was in kindergarden, I saw a horse and I wanted to climb into it’s ass. Still do, but differently.

  12. I fucked nigger once now I’m gay.
    So don’t fuck nigger. Fuck their bitches like me.

      • you got that from full metal jacket calm down that doesnt mean you fought in nam just because you watch it on a loop

  13. Good job animo. Im looking up for some interracial anal action in one of your next projects. keep up the god work

  14. Man I have such a good laugh off all these white crackheads that are mumbling “nigger..” again and again. Their brains are so cooked because of your horse porn they cant even put a proper sentence)

    • And then you have fags like this that keep posting “the truth” about other people while they barely finnished a low-end merchant school in Kazahstan. You just might be the the bigger cum brain here. Fucking mongoloid.

      • Stupid white trash go to your fucking trailer park where you live with your alcoholic dad lmao.

        • Back to the ghetto with you shit coloured thing. Dont forget to take your monthly food coupons that are given to you by white people in charge.

  15. Ok I don’t know if I’m totally wrong, but if rendering takes this long, I think you need to get a better PC…

  16. With all the information that I collected in my virgin life watching rare videos of invertebrate sex
    Horse ejaculation in anus = comes out through the mouth

  17. when you accidently post “final renders” from 4 months ago but flip them in this post while insisting (yet again) they are from the final product…
    delete and mod older posts all you want bro. can’t alter waybackmachine. no wonder you support is leaving you. substar numbers are nothing but hype and bots like most this blog
    top fukn kek m8

    • waybackmachine doesnt archive but 2/3 levels down into most pages now. no links or videos but some pics/gifs. im gonna check that out. also i know for a fact his star subs are faked. all pay for artist do it. it’s called business. still many have left becasue essentially they paying for every thing he puts out here, they just get it a week or 2 ahead of time. but when you release final edits nearly a year apart, why pay?




  19. Animo was LYING CUNTASS BLACK NIGGER. Recently had sex changed now he is LYING CUNTASS BLACK BITCH.

  20. ANIMO is the type of nigger to lick his crusty piss stains off of his underwear. Fucking with Wirek made him a weak and slow homosexual bitch.



  22. I’m negro but I have tiny dick.
    Does that mean I can have the same privileges as whites?

  23. I wish you fags would shut the fuck up about how hes milking you. You’re gonna watch the shit regardless of whether hes milking your retarded ass or not, which is exactly why he’s milking you ungrateful mfs in the first place. If hes doing all this work, animating this weird niche shit thats ultimately gonna end up on R34 so some basement dwelling jew can just watch it for free to get his incel nut off for the night, he might as well get something out of it. I’d do the same shit. Fuck y’all

  24. You are all idiots. just google “How long does it take to render 4k animation”. The result will prove that animo is a fucking liar and is just milking
    Anyway, I’m not complaining cuz this is free stuff. But for the people paying for their subscription to him, he is fucking them over big time lol

  25. I calculated estimated time o
    To render a 35 min video in 60 fps it takes 2 months if u render 30 seconds per frame but if he has slow computer let we say 1 min a frame well the calculater says 3 and a half months to render a 60 fps animation movie of 35mins long if u have a farm yeah it would be done in 2 days

    • If you had used this much brain in school, your father would have been proud.
      anyway this nigger is correct.

  26. What of he took all that money, and bought himself a horse farm so he could get raped to death by them after being injected with the love serum!

    All the way through animo’s bodyweight his dead crossed eyes being the last scene.

    Rollllllll credits!
    (And its all of these posts)

  27. You are all idiots. just google “How long does it take to render 4k animation”. The result will prove that animo is a fucking liar and is just milking
    Anyway, I’m not complaining cuz this is free stuff. But for the people paying for their subscription to him, he is fucking them over big time lol

    • It should have ended with fourth ep, that he made up few more scenes has nothing to do with that he doing “5 part” which should be done like a year ago. Everything other is just bullshit and extension for i don´t know maybe for buy another lambo or something

    • I would grab you by your greasy hair and fuck you. You would be screaming to put you in your grave.

          • DO YOU POOP WIREK

          • Nice try you low tier fetish driven waste of a humon body. You can’t shadow mimic the original, gay boi. You and your genital warts can fuck off outta here.

          • Pussy ass dirty nigger, with your faggot ass filthy emoji’s, nigger.

      • nope,im going to rope bond you,get your coked up and stick the biggest horse dildo up your ass

  28. I just can’t belive how toxic this comment section is. You all are supporting him, despite the fact, that you are not content of his work time. Sooo, why just don’t unsub, and wait till the video will be free, just like most of folks? If he can milk you so easy, it’s hard to judge him, I’d do same with such an opportunity xd

  29. Man why there are so many black jokes in here?
    Y’all what have we done to you?

    • Nothing. And its nothing personal. But we can stir this nigger fag pot with some chink bitches and white animal fuckers for sure. Get all the racial flavours topped with stupid bitches like Animo amd Wirek. mmm bon apple tits!

    • Ever live around niggers? Some of the dumbest, loudest, most ignorant people on the fucking planet. Even blacks from Africa hate American niggers. Niggers make up a small part of society, yet commit most crimes. Your culture is just sports, heart-attack inducing food (like pig’s feet, yes niggers eat pigs feet), and music about commiting crimes, disrespecting women, doing drugs, drinking, and the acquisition of flaunty wealth.

      You’re all a bunch of religious weirdos, you’re all still wearing masks after being vaccinated, in a car, by yourselves (I see this shit all the time), you’re never going to change and it just gets worse all the time. Niggers are disgusting and offensive. Fix yourselves.

      • This bitch get it. ^
        American niggers are the definition of the word “underdeveloped”. Yet somehow people just pretend were all the same. Fucking disgusting.

    • Just a bunch of ppl acting on their repressed desires to finally say whatever they want because of the fact that theyd get knocked tf out irl, or worse, talking like this because society has actual consequences for someone saying off the wall shit. And some are probably just legit racist/antisemitic/ignorant. Not really surprising

      Its the internet

      • A nigger saying “nigger” to a nigger. –> not racist, happens all the time, no one bats an eye
        A white person says “nigger” to a nigger in any way, shape or form, even as in “homie” –> gets attacked, beaten up and gets called a racist.
        Is everyone blind on this planet? Do i need to make a chart? NIGGERS ARE THE MOST RACIST, SELF-ENTITLED PIECES OF SHIT OUT THERE.


          • 100% agree^ wow cant believe that I agree with a horse porn junkie

  30. Goddamnit…ive fucked so many niggers in their farting assholes. I was bound to become one. They gag different. Like in such a good way. All of em are moms so they beg for stuff.

    I always rape them and face fuck them while them shit their brains out. Its amazing.
    Can’t wait for the horse rape porn.

    • See you in December 2126, by that time all the Animo’s income (which will reach 7 figures due to the gullible subscribers) will be being spent on his miserable life support so he will be working reeeeeaaaaalllly sloooooooooouuuuuuuuwwww.

  31. Imagine waiting months for some horse porn just to beat off to it for like a minute

      • Nah, turns out hating niggers for what they are is fairly universal. When you grow up and get a real job you’ll understand.

        • Agreed.^ Racist niggers caling others racist when infact they are the most racist people out there. We can debate this but 90% of non-niggers here agree with me.

  32. These niggas really have nothing better to do,come here and fuck my mom instead while waiting,just calm down.

  33. þinoeke osoeetþel þisðewm ynen ṣywoht sosðe sal waaopinmon ohè nneheeyð dsëmi einuim mgheedadfo ðgtuo waeogh pawt ahe sosa accafmedk aiðny equi sisrot tol asierrifo vbhorkae errheh ne dhetbfia teutluh eror host tnedc inherneø eaceoh iafðèe wa raveregh ooþ eho sa snoþeve rrip ttesi troðäsu ti hoconed wateina shi naþnrehai sedileþar sonsu hul raxyðinu ceecede dæððirm dyesper immlos try u æri arei uomöishpá eesie rnore eðoteern oshiwyivn palln lirm er gtinetisði nðossoþs ilgpnan mofos later raitneed va fsasc idesõw waetverr fcgimne wmno reheehoe lgle haoeceey miheðce tyþmylg rlaþse þyehotno eh taphnoosi owi utrnaf þotðotces edero þirru þoimapmo knsateedî odall edmiâ tmweeko adersik anlku eðedten aditð nadir tony eeahki edhyoh ênnioðenfð omi eoapmys œw xpûgcãnga sku ihh zahto hdinhaaȝë trarong ce hoinhi aleba oglw þetȝutaðn epaaomet tni is trlan huymoke tunrw eþiatootg þahsute sisöird oðoisik annyoer giþtnae maþ l te etes eïtehhaeda sêriðloe emadinniv noñyntenod aatl lseeoþoo y o itjeœ fereov ibamerið coirsit ar i euiþ ṣo aoadm aþckî þwans hac stys tosihah otchagr ita nu esonesyh eyȝlum hobac fteioðed þad ualoofyde flh tes stedaiy sinîðo rewutri itarháain anone kðyuvtu einhrona dtonodo nreuta dietoðð dieesgn aorlo de uts neitehrt œfgþa rdiƶio ei ȝetedisna intanlo yyedðiþni ṭdase sinnyþna toþsî tôðawear haadha phsotehge ree litsi emo nimu hednahl squieme rirhumh na e ƶseis rtine dowhs ishise er siue e ootimar edahsih iatso hneweregid ianl elewr ltonaort rijd eretc aeþoȝu tupòhn ve itnü sogtoson uyee wu eduhled shonospiw þeveþ betonowhe fubnsi adaape hewteso lô ihe ryæawtu fu yai gsû giolfe owiey altit msig ckli nemlalavl

      • I take your imitation
        as a big admiration
        would you mind to have a visitation
        to do me a penetration?

        • Wirek sure proved hes a real thirsty fag in this whole comment section. Replys to everyshit post and bait, stupid bitch ha ha ha.

          • Classic. Then saying there are multiple “Wirek’s” in the comments imitating him. We know only 1 cock thirsty bitch that dose this. WIREK.



    • This porn junkie tweaking all over the keyboard wanting to have sex with all of those people. Cum brain bitch, fuck yourself and shut that dopamine-burnt receptor you call a head. Stupid mongoloid.

  35. this guy still posting “competed” renders from months ago as new? his paid subs got these EXACT same pictures albeit mirrored and few more back in march. when are you guys gonna wake up? stop visiting this blog. stop supporting him. just because some produces good work does not excuse their poor work ethic / disregard for paid members wants by posting meaningless polls just to say fuck it imma gonna do what i want / no timeline for releases / posting mirrored “finished renders” claiming to be current progress / and the most damning… padding the fucking runtime with showing the exact same scene from no less than 3 angles with the same poor graphic clipping throughout

    • >aNd YeT HeRe YoU aRe
      isnt that what the shill bot post to comments like these?
      still some valid points though. his subs pay for a few pics/gifs and useless polls. other than that, they get the same release as the free public one, just a few weeks earlier. but when you wait for nearly a year between releases, who cares waiting another week.
      >also cap this part
      we coming up to the part where he runs into “problems” with rendering / audio track and other “always to delay release” issues. judging by his track record and member talk on discord.the final episode wont be released until September with a grand release being it’s the final one.

      • Yet, here you are, still begging, crying, bitching, and throwing a fit like an entitled manchild.

        Move on or stfu

  36. He won’t release it cause I don’t let him.
    Be nice and we’ll see what we can do.

    • you must be new here
      he’s been doing this same pattern since lara v horse ep 3 with extended release dates and baiting the subs for more money. its no secret hes been losing subs by the dozens each month and that number he does have posted on substar is indeed fake

      • implying that AP cares about releasing anything so long as his mindless subs feed him monthly. the guy makes thousands monthly releasing shitty work with an even worse off release schedule from the hundreds of true subs he’s got. truth be told this isnt even his main gig which is the REAL reason for such long delays and time between eps…

        • ill let you have the last word bro. i stopped caring about internet pissing contests years ago. the guy does awesome work but it doesnt make up for his “planned fuck ups” each and every episode with rendering times that somehow get longer with the exact same work and models/ missing-not synced audio track for sub vs public release / other rando delays including “im sick” or maybe this weekend only to post ten days later with another rando issue… and of course forever blown deadlines. go back an actually look when he says “release is X date” only to see it was released a month if not longer beyond that every time since midway through lara horse series. the subs get what they pay for, SHIT

    • dude drops episodes once a year now and the shill-bots hail him as a god while the jew-bots call him out for obvious laziness and bait-n-switch tactics. come back in august as that’s the word when this will finally be released being it’s the last episode and bigger than the previous ones
      or you just go fap to much better shit (and free) that is actually put out by creators

  37. He/she might have died of Corona url still waiting around hahah what a bunch of cunts

    • It*. This “gender thing” is the lowest form of intelligence. At this point hes not even human anymore. Like the jews. Fucking homonculous.

  38. Yes, I love your mother.
    Yes, I fuck her daily.
    Yes, I am the one putting racist comment everywhere.
    Yes, I have no life.
    Yes, my future is darker than NiGGERs skin.

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  40. I wonder, what is that black thing in interogators pussy while Brutus is in her ass. Is it just a cliping issue that will be fixed or did Quit insert some kind of plug into her?

    • Did you even watch the last epizode or just jack off to the same minute segment 5 times per day? Its a plug.

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  44. You are all idiots. just google “How long does it take to render 4k animation”. The result will prove that animo is a fucking liar and is just milking
    Anyway, I’m not complaining cuz this is free stuff. But for the people paying for their subscription to him, he is fucking them over big time lol

  45. You are all idiots. just google “How long does it take to render 4k animation”. The result will prove that animo is a fucking liar and is just milking
    Anyway, I’m not complaining cuz this is free stuff. But for the people paying for their subscription to him, he is fucking them over big time lol

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  52. permis de conducere real și înregistrați-vă pe site-ul nostru fără a fi nevoie să susțineți niciun examen sau să treceți un test practic. tot ce avem nevoie sunt detaliile dvs. și acestea vor fi înregistrate în sistem în următoarele opt zile. Permisul de conducere trebuie să treacă prin aceeași procedură de înregistrare ca și permisul eliberat în școlile de șoferi

  53. real driving license and registered on our website without taking any exam or taking the practical test. all we need is your details and it would be logged into the system within the next eight days. The driver’s license must go through the same registration procedure as those issued at driving schools,


  54. real driving license and registered on our website without taking any exam or taking the practical test. all we need is your details and it would be logged into the system within the next eight days. The driver’s license must go through the same registration procedure as those issued at driving schools,


  55. Kjøp ekte og registrert førerkort fra nettsiden vår uten å skrive eksamen eller ta praksisprøven. alt vi trenger er opplysningene dine, og de vil bli registrert i systemet innen de neste åtte dagene. kjøp førerkort belgia, kjøp førerkort belgia, kjøp førerkort i nederland, førerkort b belgia, kjøp førerkort med registrering.
    kjøp førerkort.

  56. Kjøp ekte og registrert førerkort fra nettsiden vår uten å skrive eksamen eller ta praksisprøven. alt vi trenger er opplysningene dine, og de vil bli registrert i systemet innen de neste åtte dagene. kjøp førerkort belgia, kjøp førerkort belgia, kjøp førerkort i nederland, førerkort b belgia, kjøp førerkort med registrering.
    kjop forerkort.

  57. Kjøp ekte og registrert førerkort fra nettsiden vår uten å skrive eksamen eller ta praksisprøven. alt vi trenger er opplysningene dine, og de vil bli registrert i systemet innen de neste åtte dagene. kjøp førerkort belgia, kjøp førerkort belgia, kjøp førerkort i nederland, førerkort b belgia, kjøp førerkort med registrering.

  58. Kjøp ekte og registrert førerkort fra nettsiden vår uten å skrive eksamen eller ta praksisprøven. alt vi trenger er opplysningene dine, og de vil bli registrert i systemet innen de neste åtte dagene. kjøp førerkort belgia, kjøp førerkort belgia, kjøp førerkort i nederland, førerkort b belgia, kjøp førerkort med registrering.

  59. pravu vozačku dozvolu i registrujte se na našoj veb stranici bez polaganja bilo kakvog ispita ili polaganja praktičnog testa. sve što nam je potrebno su vaši podaci i oni će biti zabeleženi u sistemu u narednih osam dana. Vozačka dozvola mora proći isti postupak registracije kao i dozvola izdata u auto-školama

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