Here’s the final release of the First episode of BITS!
A lot of bugs was fixed, it is a very stable version by now.
Since now, we will start working on EP2 – i will be posting updates on the development.
EP2 will have a second half of the map, including boss fight, horse and a few more enemies.
Be sure to support the development if you like the game – i will be posting much more stuff for supporters, including a supporters-version of the current game build as well.
DOWNLOAD MEGA (link will be a bit later)
finally we got some news on the horse
Wasn’t obvious? Not sure about “not use horse like a weap…. mean, sexual activity” – possible of turning interaction on a track (maybe just ‘playful’ gratitude)
There’s more fixes than previous versions, that i’ve got for fast:
– GUI will now notify when ‘secret found’
– Added second raptor’s cave near broken ship
– Added 3 chests with suits
– Most of possible moving failures (engine fault or dev scripts – who knows) and clipping through by were fixed
– Finally, camera after sex scene was fixed
– Territorial brushes (preventing walls) were fixed (maybe not all, not find possible route to go ‘outside’ – near minotaur’ statue wall was patched hard)
– By dividing releases to free- and supp- there’s supp content was in prev.release (maybe mistake from reviewer, i’m not proving that instant)
– Save system works much better (don’t know about fast save – i don’t need it)
Still not done:
– Audio disable not work – even if 0 music still play and sounds are active
– Inventory still can dublicate or change items (thinking, whole engine or whole code-block of generic resources have this fault, and it’s not gamedev team failure), but this happens much less often
I will post ideas for ep2 later.
congrats on listing “101-type” problems that couldve and shouldve been addressed months ago instead of putting out 5 or 6 incomplete releases to “stop the bleeding” of losing monthly subs and endless arguing among them
ap has come a long way ill admit, but the dude gotta chill on the lies and endless hype of his own work which is mostly “borrowed” when it came to the assets used in this game
🍓New Online Porn Game 2024) Who’s playing it already? Please help me get through it ➤
Inventory duplicating or changing items is surely not a problem with the engine, otherwise tons of other games would have that problem too, lol.
Its not like this is a horse fucking mmo or some shit. Item duping doesn’t matter. If you wanna dupe dupe them. If you dont just enjoy that juicy horse cock fucking you hard and filling your gay ass with creamy delight.
these are nice additions, bugs were (a bit more) annoying but not enough to completely ruin the experience of the game but new content is always better than bug fixes y’know
And by the way, where deepfakes beneath first comment, huh?
i ate them, was a bit hungry
What is the password for the bunker
Nobody knows?
some problem with the torrent? can not download after 95%
Last 5% is for supporters
Almighty comment *rofl*
i have the same issue. Not sure how to fix it yet, if someone can help that would be greatly appreciated
Nothing can be done on our side. We have to wait either till the seed with 100% goes online, or, is this is really issue with torrent, till fixed torrent file is uploaded.
ah i see. Well thats unfortunate. Thank you for responding
or just pay a little to download it throught subscribe star
is very cheap, i bet you waste more money in beers and useless stuff, but with important stuff you find it ‘too expensive’ and you want it free
fk up wirek
Does anyone know the Twitter account of animopron
Have you tried searching on Google?
I can’t download it
well at least wirek, ap greatest shill, will have somehting to spam this weekend
cant wait for ep2 coming sometime in 2026 after 5 missed release dates, tons of previews that somehow wont be in any releases despite claiming otherwise and of course, wirek spamming this blog endlessly under no less than 5 names from his little internet cafe IP he frequents
>new thread reminder regarding wirek
>>the moment his persona collapsed
>>the moment anyone could “be” wirek
the current wirek poster is not the og one and as for what you post, it seems you havent found that phbb “Former Friends of Wirek” made either so stfu
as for wirek cause his spam his already inbound because his handler created a new thread
Wow, you must be a man with big balls to post such a bold comment like that, sissy. Your photo has leaked to the internet:
We didn’t start this fight… and neither did you… but we sure have ended it.
If you were indeed the true wirek as you claim, you would have either clicked the invite link sent to you your email sent multiple times over the last year from the phbb. Or you would have easily found the phbb forum with a simple search using wirek own words posted here as a guide. If you were indeed actually him, you would know exactly what I am referring to… but you are not!
Since you have not found it, clicked the link, or have no clue to what has been posted here in the past… you will undoubtedly respond with clueless and scared humor with yet another random YouTube or video link… which proves further you are indeed a fake. Though why you have taken up the wirek mantle is beyond asking at this point. Frankly, you are considered by many to be a “troll w(i)t(h)out a br(i)(d)g(e)”. Something the original wirek would understand considering he coined it…
But by all means though, continue to cosplay as the original wirek. Please still deflect and post erroneous replies containing ever so slight mistakes that the original wirek never tolerated. Meanwhile, myself, Former Friends (and others) still wait (bored) for the actual wirek’s reply on the phbb. Until then, it remain as a moment to a troll’s downfall and a warning to others.
However play your cards wrong and you’ll be next, friend…
Until then more while we to our victory!
Oh, what a pathetic no-life you are, sissy, just waiting here for any response from me. OK, you’ve waited long enough… I’m sorry, so sorry – I never thought that my previous comment would hurt you so much, but you must know that your penis doesn’t grow with the length of your comment, shorty.
Anyway… You clearly mistake me for someone else, or actually for anyone who cares. Heheh, I see you’re gullible enough to swallow any bullshit you find out there, idiot. And that fucktard “Paid For By (former) Friends of Wirek (now wrecked” (a.k.a. “Sponsored By Former Friends of Wirek”) used to believe that I’M A CHURCH BUILDING in some Polish town (check the link in his nickname):
And then… he disappeared ashamed by his own stupidity. Not my fault, really!
And there’s my reply related to O.o’s (one of the fucktard’s followers) INSTAGRAM REVELATIONS:
So… You simply must be deaf, dumb and blind. I bet you cannot even tell the difference between your own yawning and farting.
Congratulations on your victory – you’re just as stupid as aforementioned “…Former Friends…” was/is!
It’s so cute… I love your unhealthy obsession with my person. You must be singing:
“You are always on my mind…
You were always on my mind.”
Please enlighten us as to why you wish to portray yourself as a “troll without a bridge” and become the one named wirek? It’s bad enough the current poster under such a handle thinks himself to be that of the original wirek. He has also adapted his persona in such a way that logic does not make any sense to him any longer.
Dear sad retarded bullshitter, you’re not my friend and never were – who would like to befriend an idiot like you who’s using nicknames like “The More You Know…”, “…Former Friends of…”, obviously fake “wirek”/”wἱrek” etc. to spam the website with your nonsenses.
1. Why would I care to join a fucktard’s phbb gathering idiots only? The fact that you are there (as you claim) and I’m not there says it all.
2. Why would I care to prove my identity to you? You’re nobody and you mean nothing to me. Besides, I know how to protect my personal data.
3. Why would I care about your opinion anyway? You’re an idiot and you mean nothing to me.
4. Why would I care about your invitations you’re spamming a random victim with? I haven’t got any of them for obvious reasons.
5. Why would I believe any word you say? You’re renowned for ridiculous bullshitting and your credibility is simply non-existent.
6. Are you still mad just because I’ve exposed your mental and physical shortcoming?
I’m sure that’s the main reason why you, impotent shorty, defend other frustrated fucktards, gore lovers, humiliation masochists, coprophiles or coprophages by spamming under this post and many others as “The More You Know…”, “…Former Friends of…”, obviously fake “wirek”/”wἱrek” etc.
7. Why would I care about your incredible claims of allegedly knowing anybody’s e-mails, IPs or locations? You clearly know shit about VPNs, server statistics or anything at all. You swallow loads of bullshit on a regular basis just like coprophages do with their brains as small as those of flies.
It’s so cute… I love your unhealthy obsession with my person, you pathetic hypocrite (“The More You Know…”, “…Former Friends of…”, obviously fake “wirek”/”wἱrek” etc.)… replying to your own comments like a frustrated impotent idiot.
So don’t pretend to be an imbecile, you poor idiot. Is your IQ really equal to your age expressed in years?
Besides, your delusions were already addressed on this very page right here:
…starting from “Anyway…” in my previous comment.
Why? Do you recommend it from your own homosexual experiences, fake Wirek?
So this update just fixes bugs, and nothing finds the horse and something new happens in the game
animopron works slowly
does anyone know why the cum in game looks different from the sperm showed in the previews he revealed a while ago? was this to save resources or am i just missing a setting or something?
still cant tame the horse?
some dropped items can never be picked up again
couldnt pick up backpack… tried everything
seems as tho nothing has changed to me
the backpack functions like an item so if your inventory is full when you pick it up it will glitch out. Drop an item before collecting the backpack to solve this issue
how u think i found out u cant pick up some dropped items? lol
Does the cum stick onto the character in this version? Just wanna know before I download it.
Seems to be possible, but not for major developments now. And a lot of tests.
Would be a great feature. Wildlife already did it. And you could wash it in any water if you want the character clean
Love it. Need an option where theres nothing but farts during anal.
Eat a lot of peas, beans, cabbages and cauliflowers – it’ll make your anal a lot louder.
>yet another imposter post
We may make you famous yet, friend…
Oh, don’t pretend to be an imbecile, you poor idiot. Is your IQ really equal to your age expressed in years?
Nonetheless, you are allowed to believe in any nonsense you desire, fool.
@Wirek©️ 2023-12-08 at 04:38
Why? Do you recommend it from your own homosexual experiences, fake Wirek?
You can do it by yourself (if so neathy), with a solution that Wirek gives you.
people that likes farts are weirdos, how the fuck u can like farts
you are masochistic and you want girls to fart on ur face dont u??? u little sissy slave
Does anybody know, how I can play Lara as a Futa?
take off the necklace in your inventory
in the subscriber version you can make lara, i mean tara, or leroy or whatever, a futa with a horse cock
the human futa is hotter lol
i downloaded the subscriber version and the save file with the free version and subscriber version IS NOT COMPATIBLE
also it would be nice to be able to explore the island completely at any moment, can you do that????
animopron should have more people working in his game
hes rich and he only has 2 other people with him working on the game???
hire more dammit
hes rich? so ur donating him $1,000,000 a month? ofc ur not so no he isnt rich lol
He’s getting 25K monthly from donations. He has enough to get more people.
stop counting other peoples money fucking jew
hes rich, shut up anonymous ass lickers, u dont want to accept critics toward animopron, hes rich, he has more than enough to hire a bigger team
fanboy fgs
Meanwhile when he was doing videos, his sub counted peaked around 8500 monthly subs for nearly a year (BTQ 4-5). When he began full time work on BITS, it was near 3500. Now it’s around 4200… still horrible by any stretch considering he lost over half his support in under 2 years. By no metric is that a “successful” regardless the outcome of his venture in making games now.
And given his record, we can expect the second installment of BITS sometime in late 2025 at best after multiple missed release dates and the “usual roundabout” of excuses along the way. Hell, it took him 6 unique released across 8 months to get BITS in the state it’s in now… playable I guess. Just wish he’d credit the creators he “borrowed” many assets and animations from instead of maintaining a team composed of himself and 2 others did this from the ground up…
’roundabout of excuses’
he still earns a massive amount of money
you greedy cunt
you are so obssesed with money, you want so much money for what???
hes still extremely succesfull, not as successfull as before, but still extremely successfull
fucking greedy people
you should measure how great & fun & high this game is
not the fucking money
how great, fun & high this game is is what is really SUCCESSFULL
fucking losers trying to degrade their arts and the stuff they do for money
greedy losers
then buying fancing pointless cars, pointless bs etc
Is this version different from V4? As in more Bugfixes? Because people were experiencing more/new bugs than before
You have found the secret 4/7 .minotaur monument . follow the horse how , downloaded ep1 public v5
second nipple where?? i can’t find it
One on the island and one beneath or under the island
The first is on a small island in the middle of the water, and the other is in a compartment under the water.
там в отсеке под водой дверь запертая, как ее можно открыть? нигде нет ключа и ни один не подошел
Это заглушка сюжета. Только после релиза второй части точно станет известно, как эти катакомбы связаны (тогда они будут доступны).
В целом, так и непонятно, что за “школьник” (тем более, в данном конкретном примере) выступал в качестве сценариста. Сюжет, как он есть, конечно, ничего так, да и нахождение острова с “сексуальной энергией” – это уже давным-давно баян (этим сюжетам столько же, сколько и развитой цивилизации), но силу привлекательности так и не утратил.
Посмотрим, что в дальнейшем надумает “писака”.
Сам Анимо выдаивает (вернулся за старое) сейчас подписоту на скинчики и шмотачки для барби (см.отличия v3 и v4), т.ч. серьёзно за разработку и продвижение он(и) пока не берутся (скорее всего, только аж после НГ).
Из пожеланий хотелось бы отметить, что в комментариях слишком много вопросов по прохождению, надо бы ввести на сайте отдельную колонку/ссылку, связанную с вопросами по игре.
У меня есть расписанное подробно прохождение ЕР1 (не нашёл буквально пару секретов из тех, что НЕ отмечаются). Мог бы поделиться, чтоб не задавали глупых вопросов “где нойти”, но “каждый сам себе злобный буратино”.
I’ll give it a try as soon I have some time… Respect 4 the hard work Animo making a game is difficult than just a video
Heheh, it’s really hilarious that after all those months (like 1.5 years or so already) you’re still way too stupid, to use all the available pictograms. And after all those hints from other morons about how to do it…
Kinda like as of this post, you while still claiming to be the original and only wirek, still have NOT found our phbb siting your actual mentor’s, the actual wirek, demise and subsequent breakdown following many of his social accounts, internet history to selected sites and even a few paywall passwords he had.
But by all means, please continue to post like a troll without a bridge, friend. As much as you do, you still haven’t piqued any interest beyond this blog from me.
Oh, don’t pretend to be an imbecile, you poor idiot. Is your IQ really equal to your age expressed in years?
Nonetheless, your delusions were already addressed on this very page right here:
…starting from “Anyway…” in my previous comment.
“To become someone else, you must first control the man in the mirror.”
You so desperately want to be someone… something that even you are unable to define without a pointless dead-pan delivery to a room of empty chairs save a janitor sweeping the room to keep busy…
Something you and your actual sister (M) know all too well…
But still, if you really are indeed the original wirek from this site. We once more invite you to the discussion unbound by the limitations of this place. You will find a new invite to the phbb in your email… though we already know the outcome.
Grade school humor accompanied with roundabout logic flawed from birth.
Of all the people you choose to be, you choose a persona long discarded. Made famous by no more than four people who were once your friends in real life…
Truly sad, friend.
@The More You Know ———-> 2023-12-07 at 09:36
Dear sad retarded bullshitter, you’re not my friend and never were – who would like to befriend an idiot like you who’s using nicknames like “The More You Know…”, “…Former Friends of…”, obviously fake “wirek”/”wἱrek” etc. to spam the website with your nonsenses.
1. Why would I care to join a fucktard’s phbb gathering idiots only? The fact that you are there (as you claim) and I’m not there says it all.
2. Why would I care to prove my identity to you? You’re nobody and you mean nothing to me. Besides, I know how to protect my personal data.
3. Why would I care about your opinion anyway? You’re an idiot and you mean nothing to me.
4. Why would I care about your invitations you’re spamming a random victim with? I haven’t got any of them for obvious reasons.
5. Why would I believe any word you say? You’re renowned for ridiculous bullshitting and your credibility is simply non-existent.
6. Are you still mad just because I’ve exposed your mental and physical shortcoming?
I’m sure that’s the main reason why you, impotent shorty, defend other frustrated fucktards, gore lovers, humiliation masochists, coprophiles or coprophages by spamming under this post and many others as “The More You Know…”, “…Former Friends of…”, obviously fake “wirek”/”wἱrek” etc.
7. Why would I care about your incredible claims of allegedly knowing anybody’s e-mails, IPs or locations? You clearly know shit about VPNs, server statistics or anything at all. You swallow loads of bullshit on a regular basis just like coprophages do with their brains as small as those of flies.
It’s so cute… I love your unhealthy obsession with my person, you pathetic hypocrite (“The More You Know…”, “…Former Friends of…”, obviously fake “wirek”/”wἱrek” etc.)… replying to your own comments like a frustrated impotent idiot.
So don’t pretend to be an imbecile, you poor idiot. Is your IQ really equal to your age expressed in years?
Besides, your delusions were already addressed on this very page right here:
…starting from “Anyway…” in my previous comment.
The nipple on the island is easy to find but I really can’t find the other one that is supposed to be in the water
look for purple crystals. They highlight the cave entrance, good luck
Hi does someone found the code for the bunker beside the place we start ? And what what happen with the secret status , i didn’t understand.
What is the bunker code?
You did a great job, would support if I could’ve. We don’t get enough games, us pissfreaks.
hey retarded dumbass, have you thought about getting a job? I heard people get money that way.
her piss is boring
she should be wilder, more wilder more fun
she should pee and drink it, and punch herself
and eat her shit, the more wilder the more fun and crazy
more crazy more fun
7153955 for the bunker
The bow seems to be broken: can’t aim, it disappears from the model after a few seconds after being equipped.
And what about “fully open map”?
This was actually quite fun to play and more enjoyable as a “game” than I anticipated. Don’t know why everyone’s hating here, but I’m looking forward to the next part.
Also, the heavier boots make the legs disappear for some reason – shame really, I’d have loved to use those.
barefoot is hotter, using boots instead of seeing her hot barefeet, what a boring person you are
till date Lara With Horse and breaking the quiet are the biggest hits. Why do you make a game ? please can you go back to creating movies. I believe you are good at that. Please skip game make more movies like Lara With Horse….its great
shut up boring person with ur boring animations, game is more fun
telling others to skip stuff for your selfish personal taste and preference, go to hell
Strongly agree.
Too many selfish wheeners raised now and reminds me that materia is overgrowth with no puns stupidity itself. Also toxic.
Fokin soelfish beatchis.
Worthless. Just worthless. And mindless. Totally fastfood nation. Why are they (still) (a)live?
Misdirect ‘ha-ha funny videos’ sites. And here’s why we quilty for? No, i divine.
Game sex scenes were vidcapped and posted in May 2023 to various r34 sites and porn vid places. Pretty much DOA from a game standpoint as all puzzles were also “explained” months ago and long before it even went public.
do you know everything about everything?
you have everything controlled and you are informated about everything that happens and all the details?
WHERES FULLY OPEN MAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyone know where the savedata is located?
appdata > local > bits
i think is there
Follow the horse, go to the monument, how can you get there? Has anyone found the horse?
Mega Link?
Also, the torrent link cause massive issues for my computer. Has to resort to previous day backup of windows to fix it.
support him in subscribestar, is only 6$, i bet u are fat and dont mind expending hundreds of dollars in beer u fatto hypocrite
Internet tough guy. The REAL Man the ladies want. Sounds like u got some insecurities u have to work through. Keep typing, King!
Valid link for sure:
I’m missing the Page 5 of the Comic Crypt looter, Location??
Played the game 5 times and I don’t find it
Thanks for the help
Next room after peeing girls puzzles, on a shelf by right wall from entry.
Insult me on TG @I_am_Vinnie4
why u wanna be insulted u masochist sissy
Isn’t it obvious to you for some (also obvious) reason? That fucktard just gave someone else’s identifier and not his own. That’s what cowardly aggressive fucktards do.
Ironic you would cast a stone at those who mimic your way of life… that’s what empty listless vessels do, friend….
Dear sad retarded bullshitter, you’re not my friend and never were – who would like to befriend an idiot like you who’s using nicknames like “The More You Know…”, “…Former Friends of…”, obviously fake “wirek”/”wἱrek” etc. to spam the website with your nonsenses.
1. Why would I care to join a fucktard’s phbb gathering idiots only? The fact that you are there (as you claim) and I’m not there says it all.
2. Why would I care to prove my identity to you? You’re nobody and you mean nothing to me. Besides, I know how to protect my personal data.
3. Why would I care about your opinion anyway? You’re an idiot and you mean nothing to me.
4. Why would I care about your invitations you’re spamming a random victim with? I haven’t got any of them for obvious reasons.
5. Why would I believe any word you say? You’re renowned for ridiculous bullshitting and your credibility is simply non-existent.
6. Are you still mad just because I’ve exposed your mental and physical shortcoming?
I’m sure that’s the main reason why you, impotent shorty, defend other frustrated fucktards, gore lovers, humiliation masochists, coprophiles or coprophages by spamming under this post and many others as “The More You Know…”, “…Former Friends of…”, obviously fake “wirek”/”wἱrek” etc.
7. Why would I care about your incredible claims of allegedly knowing anybody’s e-mails, IPs or locations? You clearly know shit about VPNs, server statistics or anything at all. You swallow loads of bullshit on a regular basis just like coprophages do with their brains as small as those of flies.
It’s so cute… I love your unhealthy obsession with my person, you pathetic hypocrite (“The More You Know…”, “…Former Friends of…”, obviously fake “wirek”/”wἱrek” etc.)… replying to your own comments like a frustrated impotent idiot.
So don’t pretend to be an imbecile, you poor idiot. Is your IQ really equal to your age expressed in years?
Besides, your delusions were already addressed on this very page right here:
…starting from “Anyway…” in my previous comment.
yea maybe is because of that
but ive seen masochist people asking to get insulted
this is a horse porn website so anything is possible here
Anything is possible here, but I’m sure it’s just a fucktard – I know their kind… Just take a look below how the fucktard (who replied to me before you in this thread) has spammed this AnimoPron’s post – it’s just the same pathetic hypocritical no-life (“The More You Know…”, “…Former Friends of…”, obviously fake “wirek”/”wἱrek” etc.)… replying to his own comments like a frustrated impotent idiot. I love his unhealthy obsession with my person – It’s so cute…
i dont wanna play, i wanna watch movies. is there any cheat to start a movie ? i havent got a joystick in my fingers since 1982
try to adapt grandpa
games are actually quite fun
try to play the game with the keyboard grandpa
fuck off
Fatal Error the game
Delete old saves.
C:\users\appdata, BITS folder.
When you’re done with the statue with the golden penis on the beach and the eyes glow green
What activates after the sex scene? I first put out the fire in front of the statue and then used the statue and can’t find what activated.
Does anyone know if there is a secret place?
And yes, I went into the gap behind the statue, before and after the scene, no changes or anything.
who knows
i did that statue too but i have no idea what activates
also i wish you could freely go across the map, the small map though, cuz this game is so small
I’m also trying to understand what does it do the statue after the green glowing eyes?
after eyes glowing you can jump near torch in front of statue and it will switch off. that’s all
Some glitches (like getting stucked in the hole where the first raptor appears) seems like to be fixed, some other bugs (dupes of comics) still remains.
Also i can’t find the last page of the first comic (which would be page 1 of 7), although i searched the first stage (beach) everywhere.
Oh and i didn’t get the “pee-lecture-scene”…
I found the first one in the pond on some rocks right next to the starting area. The large pink flowers should pinpoint the location.
Hey are you tired of watching and playing 🗽boring porns.😂Get ,the real rape best screaming 😱 shit 🥵(mom and son🍎,) dad and daughter ❤️🔥,gay, lesbian, gangbang, ,incest 🍆,family movies, threesome, hardcore,blowjob 🤪😜and many more .. *affordable with Samples available for review ✅✅ search 🔍 me on
Telegram at ; Megallinz
@wirek might be interested
I’m sure you’re referring to the fake one.
It’s just the same pathetic hypocritical no-life (“The More You Know…”, “…Former Friends of…”, obviously fake “wirek”/”wἱrek” etc.)… replying to his own comments like a frustrated impotent idiot. I love his unhealthy obsession with my person – It’s so cute…
I know the hole in the sea bottom. )))
If you’ll swim in that hole you just appeare in empty white space and will never return back.
make her drink her piss in episode 2, make her eat the horse’s poo
make the mummies cum liters and she drinks it untill her belly swollens
dismember her and kill her and make her regenerate throught magic!!!!
Why are you here? Just for suffer?
Back to mental hospital, immediately now.
shut up fg, stop trying to suppress others
fucking snowflakes suppressors
the world is full of retarded people trying to suppress others, animopron knows that well
Your brain is as small as a fly’s. Eat shit, millions of flies just cannot be wrong!
I’ve got little something to cheer those disgusting two or three coprophages (like you) up:
Go ahead and relieve/pleasure yourself to it.
And like the fly, you too are short-lived and unable to differentiate between spoiled and fresh meat.
Keep being someone you are not.
We may make you famous just yet, friend…
this wirek cunt again
@The More You Know ———->* 2023-12-07 at 09:51
Dear sad retarded bullshitter, you’re not my friend and never were – who would like to befriend an idiot like you who’s using nicknames like “The More You Know…”, “…Former Friends of…”, obviously fake “wirek”/”wἱrek” etc. to spam the website with your nonsenses.
1. Why would I care to join a fucktard’s phbb gathering idiots only? The fact that you are there (as you claim) and I’m not there says it all.
2. Why would I care to prove my identity to you? You’re nobody and you mean nothing to me. Besides, I know how to protect my personal data.
3. Why would I care about your opinion anyway? You’re an idiot and you mean nothing to me.
4. Why would I care about your invitations you’re spamming a random victim with? I haven’t got any of them for obvious reasons.
5. Why would I believe any word you say? You’re renowned for ridiculous bullshitting and your credibility is simply non-existent.
6. Are you still mad just because I’ve exposed your mental and physical shortcoming?
I’m sure that’s the main reason why you, impotent shorty, defend other frustrated fucktards, gore lovers, humiliation masochists, coprophiles or coprophages by spamming under this post and many others as “The More You Know…”, “…Former Friends of…”, obviously fake “wirek”/”wἱrek” etc.
7. Why would I care about your incredible claims of allegedly knowing anybody’s e-mails, IPs or locations? You clearly know shit about VPNs, server statistics or anything at all. You swallow loads of bullshit on a regular basis just like coprophages do with their brains as small as those of flies.
It’s so cute… I love your unhealthy obsession with my person, you pathetic hypocrite (“The More You Know…”, “…Former Friends of…”, obviously fake “wirek”/”wἱrek” etc.)… replying to your own comments like a frustrated impotent idiot.
So don’t pretend to be an imbecile, you poor idiot. Is your IQ really equal to your age expressed in years?
Besides, your delusions were already addressed on this very page right here:
…starting from “Anyway…” in my previous comment.
@Anonymous 2023-12-07 at 10:53
I’m sure you’re referring to the fake one.
It’s just the same pathetic hypocritical no-life (“The More You Know…”, “…Former Friends of…”, obviously fake “wirek”/”wἱrek” etc.)… replying to his own comments like a frustrated impotent idiot. I love his unhealthy obsession with my person – It’s so cute…
Found the second nipple, inside there is a door that needs a key to open, does anyone know where the key is?
The game is amazing. I’m looking forward to the second episode. Maybe someone here can suggest other games in this style that we can play while we wait?
If by amazing, you mean losing over half your support and funds to create such a thing while simultaneously having a legion of excuses at the ready as you fail along the way using “borrowed” assets that could be complied by a small group over a long weekend… then yes. You are correct.
shut up, you are annoying, you are as stupid as wirek but in another form
Gratefully, I nor anyone will ever amount to that of wirek or their one of many imposters… no one could ever be of such a lesser value. Still you seem to have been dispatched upon a certain trigger word being posted… didn’t think that was still I thing here.
Nevertheless you are free to enjoy as I despise and the inverse can be true as well. You should remember that next time you post…
I’m sure you’re referring to the fake one.
It’s just the same pathetic hypocritical no-life (“The More You Know…”, “…Former Friends of…”, obviously fake “wirek”/”wἱrek” etc.)… replying to his own comments like a frustrated impotent idiot. I love his unhealthy obsession with my person – It’s so cute…
you seem to be obssesed with money, how great this game is and how much money he earns right now are not connected
he still earns tens of thousands of dollars each month
you want so much money for what? greedy piece of shit
this game is great, he losing a lot of support is not relevant with how great this game is
you greedy cunt
A post so nice, you had to make it twice, huh?
We are only obsessed with the fact, to this date, AP still has not credited many of his signed published assets as other’s works but as his own. Maybe it would be best if were to actually research why he “moved on” from videos and fell back on a project some five plus years old.
Finally, “this game is great, he losing a lot of support is not relevant with how great this game is”… was this generated by Bing-AI or Grok-X… or did you actually type this? How does a great idea not itself generate or maintain positive support during it’s time? Just because you tell a lie to someone and they parrot to another and so on does not make it an truer. A lie is a lie.
I challenge you to explain how having a great idea nets you a loss of nearly half your support being a good thing… but like with wirek we already know your answer, friend…
I don’t know how to cross the bridge
Bows and arrows cannot strike
you need to climb the wall
how to go through the cave?
We just have to those that have targeted every single one of our posts across not only this topic, but the last, in the last thirty minutes… um thanks?
It’s good to know we have so many rent free locales we can crash at around the World… though too bad nearly all the posts came from a single (familiar) IP… again!
Looks like someone forgot to use a VPN (again)…
Don’t talk to me about rent free you pecker head.
Get bent
how do you know the IP?
you cant know the IP of the anonymous messages
i bet The More You Know ———->* & wirek have both the same IP
can i use yours again?
east coast of the US perhaps…
*insert random fact about potatoes*
its ok though im in good mood for now
*insert sad youtube song link*
animopron’s posts are flooded with weirdos seriously
i thought a website full of horse porn would have superior users
*insert zero humor off topic grade school clap back*
Superior intellect? Go ask Khan how that worked out bro!
You really think anyone cares about this place or us?
*insert random youtube video in need of views*
This has been like a dozen times but at least got rid of the original wirek who was far more annoying
@anon 1207-1211
you shouldve seen the time the og wirek got doxxed with his socials posted and his actual living space in poland. guy posted a pic of the wirek fucking house
I’m sure you’re referring to the fake one.
It’s just the same pathetic hypocritical no-life (“The More You Know…”, “…Former Friends of…”, obviously fake “wirek”/”wἱrek” etc.)… replying to his own comments like a frustrated impotent idiot. I love his unhealthy obsession with my person – It’s so cute…
anon doesnt understand how to internet
*insert random banter about penguins or something*
you do know ever website you visit keeps logs right and people can view such logs right?
*insert random yt video link*
its ok i wont tell anyone
Dear sad retarded bullshitter, you’re not my friend and never were – who would like to befriend an idiot like you who’s using nicknames like “The More You Know…”, “…Former Friends of…”, obviously fake “wirek”/”wἱrek” etc. to spam the website with your nonsenses.
1. Why would I care to join a fucktard’s phbb gathering idiots only? The fact that you are there (as you claim) and I’m not there says it all.
2. Why would I care to prove my identity to you? You’re nobody and you mean nothing to me. Besides, I know how to protect my personal data.
3. Why would I care about your opinion anyway? You’re an idiot and you mean nothing to me.
4. Why would I care about your invitations you’re spamming a random victim with? I haven’t got any of them for obvious reasons.
5. Why would I believe any word you say? You’re renowned for ridiculous bullshitting and your credibility is simply non-existent.
6. Are you still mad just because I’ve exposed your mental and physical shortcoming?
I’m sure that’s the main reason why you, impotent shorty, defend other frustrated fucktards, gore lovers, humiliation masochists, coprophiles or coprophages by spamming under this post and many others as “The More You Know…”, “…Former Friends of…”, obviously fake “wirek”/”wἱrek” etc.
7. Why would I care about your incredible claims of allegedly knowing anybody’s e-mails, IPs or locations? You clearly know shit about VPNs, server statistics or anything at all. You swallow loads of bullshit on a regular basis just like coprophages do with their brains as small as those of flies.
It’s so cute… I love your unhealthy obsession with my person, you pathetic hypocrite (“The More You Know…”, “…Former Friends of…”, obviously fake “wirek”/”wἱrek” etc.)… replying to your own comments like a frustrated impotent idiot.
So don’t pretend to be an imbecile, you poor idiot. Is your IQ really equal to your age expressed in years?
Besides, your delusions were already addressed on this very page right here:
…starting from “Anyway…” in my previous comment.
>why would I care about your invitations you’re spamming a random victim with? I haven’t got any of them for obvious reasons
guy literally admits hes the fake wirek since he’s not getting the invites to that forum
I would say do it but it seems you already did it…
job great that was million in one – hAN ‘hero” solo
@Anonymous 2023-12-11 at 07:41
Heheh… ‘cos I was born to make you happy…
Dear SIR (Sad Impotent Retard), thanks for proving my point… Well, all my points, actually. Although it was so obvious you wouldn’t understand it what you’re referring to. Just to be fair, you obviously had no chances with your terribly low IQ right from the start. It’s no surprise, but rather it’s hilarious that you still can’t count, not even to just 7.
Have you seen my point No. 7? Can you read it with comprehension? No, of course not.
It doesn’t matter what nickname you use, no-life (“The More You Know…”, “…Former Friends of…”, obviously fake “wirek”/”wἱrek” etc.), to hide yourself behind with your ridiculous stupidity just like a coward and hypocrite. My comment listing just 7 points was repeated only 7 (literally: SEVEN) times so far just for your convenience, e.g.:
Anyway, it’s so cute… I love your unhealthy obsession with my person, dear SIR. Keep furiously huffing and puffing, and keep seething with anger – all your words of frustration are music to my ears. Cry me a river, bitch.
Now, pucker up and kiss it:
And yeah, so nice I had to post my retort twice
What you gonna do about it? Lob empty threats again?
cool lets flood the board again with wirek clones
cause that worked out well the last 54 times we did it
but at least this latest one is entertaining somewhat
nothing worthy of that phbb though
the phbb is trash. has two posts about some shit from like a year ago from here. i want my 2 minutes back i spent finding and reading it. funny the length people go to be noticed here… that being said
You don’t have shit on me! I’m the only wirek, now and forever! That being said… could ya please post the link? Asking for a friend!
*insert grade school clap back*
You can’t win, Senpai. We have the high ground!
oops forgot “my” sig
*insert first grade humor and off topic clap back*
*insert random yt video link*
why be wἱrek when you can actually be someone worth being?
guy had “no bridge” but yall gonna give him one again?
ah shit… here we go again
did i wirek right senpai
Nah… I like mine better
*insert grade school clap back*
You can’t win, Senpai. We have the high ground!
fuck i havent heard that song in years bro. he still a thing now anyways? heard he went straight but his daughter isn’t doing too well and rumored to have an only fans
years from now people can learn the real truth about Marshall and how he really got his n-pass
will the real wirek please stand up, please stand up
oh thats right, he cant
what in the actual fuck happened here? dont start this shit again please!
some more that could work, lets see
this is a better list
angry beer coffee cool cry
devil grin lol mad razz
sad saint shock shoot sleep
smile squint thumbsup wink
add a colon before and after each to post the one you want and leave a space between each one
wirek or whoever posts as him gonna be wrekt again when he sees this. drove the og mad
here the site he got them from/bottom of the page
dont forget to add some youtube link to an obscure music video and add some off topic rant to start. and to think he’s the one that won the race
C’mon guy! Don’t be like that! I spent minutes making that up and you gonna come in and steal it! I’m so mad at you right now I could… could… grrr!!!!!!!!!!
*insert grade school clap back*
You can’t win, Senpai. We have the high ground!
Heheh, it’s really hilarious that after all those months (like 1.5 years or so already) you’re still way too stupid, to use all the available pictograms. And after all those hints from other morons about how to do it…
Dear sad retarded bullshitter, you’re not my friend and never were – who would like to befriend an idiot like you who’s using nicknames like “The More You Know…”, “…Former Friends of…”, obviously fake “wirek”/”wἱrek” etc. to spam the website with your nonsenses.
1. Why would I care to join a fucktard’s phbb gathering idiots only? The fact that you are there (as you claim) and I’m not there says it all.
2. Why would I care to prove my identity to you? You’re nobody and you mean nothing to me. Besides, I know how to protect my personal data.
3. Why would I care about your opinion anyway? You’re an idiot and you mean nothing to me.
4. Why would I care about your invitations you’re spamming a random victim with? I haven’t got any of them for obvious reasons.
5. Why would I believe any word you say? You’re renowned for ridiculous bullshitting and your credibility is simply non-existent.
6. Are you still mad just because I’ve exposed your mental and physical shortcoming?
I’m sure that’s the main reason why you, impotent shorty, defend other frustrated fucktards, gore lovers, humiliation masochists, coprophiles or coprophages by spamming under this post and many others as “The More You Know…”, “…Former Friends of…”, obviously fake “wirek”/”wἱrek” etc.
7. Why would I care about your incredible claims of allegedly knowing anybody’s e-mails, IPs or locations? You clearly know shit about VPNs, server statistics or anything at all. You swallow loads of bullshit on a regular basis just like coprophages do with their brains as small as those of flies.
It’s so cute… I love your unhealthy obsession with my person, you pathetic hypocrite (“The More You Know…”, “…Former Friends of…”, obviously fake “wirek”/”wἱrek” etc.)… replying to your own comments like a frustrated impotent idiot.
So don’t pretend to be an imbecile, you poor idiot. Is your IQ really equal to your age expressed in years?
Besides, your delusions were already addressed on this very page right here:
…starting from “Anyway…” in my previous comment.
another rant immortalized means we’re over the target (again)
make him famous again boys
>why would I care about your invitations you’re spamming a random victim with? I haven’t got any of them for obvious reasons
guy literally admits hes the fake wirek since he’s not getting the invites to that forum
I would say do it but it seems you already did it…
job great that was million in one – hAN ‘hero” solo
@wırek 2023-12-11 at 02:18
@Anonymous 2023-12-11 at 07:42
Heheh… ‘cos I was born to make you happy…
Dear SIR (Sad Impotent Retard), thanks for proving my point… Well, all my points, actually. Although it was so obvious you wouldn’t understand it what you’re referring to. Just to be fair, you obviously had no chances with your terribly low IQ right from the start. It’s no surprise, but rather it’s hilarious that you still can’t count, not even to just 7.
Have you seen my point No. 7? Can you read it with comprehension? No, of course not.
It doesn’t matter what nickname you use, no-life (“The More You Know…”, “…Former Friends of…”, obviously fake “wirek”/”wἱrek” etc.), to hide yourself behind with your ridiculous stupidity just like a coward and hypocrite. My comment listing just 7 points was repeated only 7 (literally: SEVEN) times so far just for your convenience, e.g.:
Anyway, it’s so cute… I love your unhealthy obsession with my person, dear SIR. Keep furiously huffing and puffing, and keep seething with anger – all your words of frustration are music to my ears. Cry me a river, bitch.
Now, pucker up and kiss it:
Heheh, it’s really hilarious that after all those months (like 1.5 years or so already) you’re still way too stupid, to use all the available pictograms. And after all those hints from other morons about how to do it…
Dear sad retarded bullshitter, you’re not my friend and never were – who would like to befriend an idiot like you who’s using nicknames like “The More You Know…”, “…Former Friends of…”, obviously fake “wirek”/”wἱrek” etc. to spam the website with your nonsenses.
1. Why would I care to join a fucktard’s phbb gathering idiots only? The fact that you are there (as you claim) and I’m not there says it all.
2. Why would I care to prove my identity to you? You’re nobody and you mean nothing to me. Besides, I know how to protect my personal data.
3. Why would I care about your opinion anyway? You’re an idiot and you mean nothing to me.
4. Why would I care about your invitations you’re spamming a random victim with? I haven’t got any of them for obvious reasons.
5. Why would I believe any word you say? You’re renowned for ridiculous bullshitting and your credibility is simply non-existent.
6. Are you still mad just because I’ve exposed your mental and physical shortcoming?
I’m sure that’s the main reason why you, impotent shorty, defend other frustrated fucktards, gore lovers, humiliation masochists, coprophiles or coprophages by spamming under this post and many others as “The More You Know…”, “…Former Friends of…”, obviously fake “wirek”/”wἱrek” etc.
7. Why would I care about your incredible claims of allegedly knowing anybody’s e-mails, IPs or locations? You clearly know shit about VPNs, server statistics or anything at all. You swallow loads of bullshit on a regular basis just like coprophages do with their brains as small as those of flies.
It’s so cute… I love your unhealthy obsession with my person, you pathetic hypocrite (“The More You Know…”, “…Former Friends of…”, obviously fake “wirek”/”wἱrek” etc.)… replying to your own comments like a frustrated impotent idiot.
So don’t pretend to be an imbecile, you poor idiot. Is your IQ really equal to your age expressed in years?
Besides, your delusions were already addressed on this very page right here:
…starting from “Anyway…” in my previous comment.
>i dont care about you anon
>proceeds to write an essay about caring
We grow tired of being stood up despite you informally accepting our invite to prom. Perhaps your made up sister, Lily, would rather go in your place? It’s been some time since you wore that mask, dear friend…
Proverbs 14:28
As for your latest meltdown-rant, it’s good to know that you indeed do not care about this topic nor are well versed in by any means and have no vested interest in the outcome whatsoever…
“If you’re not catching flak, you’re not over the target.” – WWII Allied Bomber Pilots
Finally, must you continue to regurgitate the same insults and flawed-circular logic to the World demonstrating your intelligence? We all have already bought stock in your mental illness, friend. No need to sell us more.
“Sunlight is the best disinfectant.” – Louis Brandeis
Perhaps our three selected quotes will guide you back from your chosen place of darkness. Please read them carefully as we idle a bit longer outside waiting for your response…
PS: Thanks to those anon who flooded this board recently, though it is not needed as this place has been terminal for quite some time. We are doing our best to fix that.
Just in case…
Don’t hate me cause you ain’t me, senpai!
Shit you guys can’t be peaking in intellgenece this early! I can do this all night long… or until Lily gets home!
You can’t win, Senpai. We have the high ground!
>why would I care about your invitations you’re spamming a random victim with? I haven’t got any of them for obvious reasons
guy literally admits hes the fake wirek since he’s not getting the invites to that forum
I would say do it but it seems you already did it…
job great that was million in one – hAN ‘hero” solo
@The More You Know ———->* 2023-12-11 at 06:26
@The More You Know ———->* 2023-12-11 at 06:39
@Wirek 2023-12-11 at 07:22
@Anonymous 2023-12-11 at 07:42
Heheh… ‘cos I was born to make you happy…
Dear SIR (Sad Impotent Retard), thanks for proving my point… Well, all my points, actually. Although it was so obvious you wouldn’t understand it what you’re referring to. Just to be fair, you obviously had no chances with your terribly low IQ right from the start. It’s no surprise, but rather it’s hilarious that you still can’t count, not even to just 7.
Have you seen my point No. 7? Can you read it with comprehension? No, of course not.
It doesn’t matter what nickname you use, no-life (“The More You Know…”, “…Former Friends of…”, obviously fake “wirek”/”wἱrek” etc.), to hide yourself behind with your ridiculous stupidity just like a coward and hypocrite. My comment listing just 7 points was repeated only 7 (literally: SEVEN) times so far just for your convenience, e.g.:
Anyway, it’s so cute… I love your unhealthy obsession with my person, dear SIR. Keep furiously huffing and puffing, and keep seething with anger – all your words of frustration are music to my ears. Cry me a river, bitch.
Now, pucker up and kiss it:
fuck it
ah shit here we go again
who the fuck let the wirek clones escape again
seems appropriate
I know, right?
It’s just the same pathetic hypocritical no-life (“The More You Know…”, “…Former Friends of…”, obviously fake “wirek”/”wἱrek” etc.)… replying to his own comments like a frustrated impotent idiot. I love his unhealthy obsession with my person – It’s so cute…
stop responding to yourself cuck lord
so desperate to find a bridge aren’t ya?
you really need to relax before you’re doxxed (again)
then again the guy you took the mantle up from thought he was immune too…
meanwhile you’ve had 3 meltdowns over proven to be a fake wirek, shit posting so much that you’ve replied to your own shit posting and went on a tl.dr rant when some anon went on about a forum about you…. well the real wirek at least
so desperate to be famous
You’re right! We’re not the same!
Still everyday I wake up and try to be as valued as those treasured anons. Maybe one day, I’ll even surpass the real *ahem* myself, the true Wirek!
You can’t win, Senpai. We have the high ground!
>I love his unhealthy obsession with my person
Those holes you look through in your mask are eye holes, but rather cracks in your crumbling persona, friend. Please, though moot in the grand scheme in your blurred vision, please move on and leave us be.
@Wirek©️ 2023-12-10 at 23:18
@Make.Him.Famous 2023-12-11 at 02:24
@Anonymous 2023-12-11 at 05:22
@Wirek 2023-12-11 at 07:18
@The More You Know ———->* 2023-12-11 at 08:53
Heheh… ‘cos I was born to make you happy…
Dear SIR (Sad Impotent Retard), thanks for proving my point… Well, all my points, actually. Although it was so obvious you wouldn’t understand it what you’re referring to. Just to be fair, you obviously had no chances with your terribly low IQ right from the start. It’s no surprise, but rather it’s hilarious that you still can’t count, not even to just 7.
Have you seen my point No. 7? Can you read it with comprehension? No, of course not.
It doesn’t matter what nickname you use, no-life (“The More You Know…”, “…Former Friends of…”, obviously fake “wirek”/”wἱrek” etc.), to hide yourself behind with your ridiculous stupidity just like a coward and hypocrite. My comment listing just 7 points was repeated only 7 (literally: SEVEN) times so far just for your convenience, e.g.:
Anyway, it’s so cute… I love your unhealthy obsession with my person, dear SIR. Keep furiously huffing and puffing, and keep seething with anger – all your words of frustration are music to my ears. Cry me a river, bitch.
Now, pucker up and kiss it:
So you wanna shit post like a “wirek”, huh? Well ok… let’s get started!
Part One: The Perfect Post
>craft a “self-believed” intellectual rant highlighting being the “smartest man in the room” that only you yourself occupies at the moment
>>berate any who challenge your mental superiority in such a condition while ignoring you are also the dumbest in the exact same situation
>place pictographs at carefully selected intervals to further berate inferior anons
>>chastise anons who post them incorrectly or not as you yourself have posted or approve of
>link a youtube video, preferably music, that accentuates your thesis as if written by a five year old such as yourself
>>can also link random words from the dictionary or Wikipedia for extra credit to further “prove” you know “big words”
>conclude your post by not only hammering home your superior smarts but close with a bait statement used to generate replies
>>be sure to include a the “yet-to-be-made” link to your reply posted comment in the website field and change the number in the link to one higher
>>>that way anyone clicking your name to see a “profile” will be taken directly to a reply field to your latest comment
>>>>for extra credit, post your one reply to multiple anons posts to further your digital reach on a horse porn blog
>finally sit back and watch the “stupid” anons make up stories about you and try to match wits with a God-Troll as yourself
>>but when none take the stall bait, switch handles and post a half baked reply to generate (false) interest
>>>be sure do triple check you’ve change the handle and that both email and website fields are clear
>>>>we don’t need yet another repeat of “that” day some months back now do we
Part Two: Pictographs & You
angry beer coffee cool cry
devil grin lol mad razz
sad sait shock shoot sleep
smile squint thumbsup wink
Open and close each selected word with a colon
(:lol:) but just remove parenthesis and you’ll get
>attack any who post them wrong or in a way that offends you in that moment
>>again you yourself can only post the same 6/7 in the same fashion every post as if law made by you yourself
Part Three: End Results
>below his a rough draft of what you should have learned to do
Name: Wirek Website: Link to soon to be posted reply link
Email: Doesn’t matter as wirek can not be registered (I wonder why… )
opening line should be used to chide or call out anon invoking your name or past post
post some pictographs
continue tirade and trouncing of “stupid” anon but make sure you spell check and use a thesaurus for added effect
time to either post more Pictographs or link a YT video desperate for views
conclude with a one-liner used to bait anons into repling OR read your own minutes later just under a different handle
add a ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ for even more extra credit and then sit back and watch the tens of clicks roll in
>this concludes one of many public service announcements from the one and only and true wirek, thank you!
@Wirek 2023-12-18 at 11:25
Dear SIR (Sad Impotent Retard), first of all, you must know that your penis doesn’t grow with the length of your comment, shorty. I don’t know why are you telling me that tirade about pathetic story of your no-life and I don’t care, fake Wirek – everybody knows that shit is boring as hell. You clearly mistake me for someone else, or actually for anyone who cares – especially since you’ve posted that comment of yours to random people too.
Cry me a river, bitch, because baiting you every time is like shooting fish in a barrel.
I’m not surprised that “words from the dictionary or Wikipedia” are unbeatable challenges to you.
Thanks again for proving all my points that you’re just an idiot pretending to be an imbecile – it was simply so unnecessary at this point:
Now, pucker up and kiss it:
yall post like this shitty game is on par with gta6 or some shit
even his own subs call him out for his weak ass release
but yall had to take it a step more and summoned the wirek army
ffs go touch grass and feel Ra on yall skin
well this game is holy, is about sex, fun, pleasure, joy
while gta is about murder, killing, pain, suffering, stealing, lying, etc
evil gross
of course gta is much superior in quality by extremely far
animo should invest most of his money in his game and animations
fun? pleasure? the fuck you on about?
*3 botched releases within months of each other
*all video scenes vidcapped and posted everywhere within a day on launch
*took 7 weeks to create a save function
*only cost him half is income and support to create
when will episode 2 be released?
2 years later.
Stop asking that.
Everyone already has tlan answer months ago.
Stop crying about “where’s ep2 release”, “where ffs, i need it now”. Just stop, please.
when will episode 2 be released?
Ok, you have the point – I can’t stop laughing now : smile:
when will episode 2 be released?
it took him 2 plus ➕ years to make this and has posted zero updates about it to his shrinking support count since this post
no one gonna sit and wait another 2 plus years for another shitty release
how many years will it take for the game to be completed?
After GTA VI release
10 years after gta vi release is more likely
10 years after GTA VII seems more likely
When she walks barefoot on stone it sounds like she has some shoes on.
Good admit.
Many handmades on UE has it incorrect – somebody patched up it, somebody not.
In serious games (with state of developers) this is also a regular problem. For sure, it would be fixed.
i hope you can change her feet into different feet versions, more feet versions
and hotter feet plz
thats kinda secondary and not so important, what you really should care is about her having a hotter feet
that flute song depresses me, is so fucking sad
is a porn fun game about a girl getting fucked by horses and dinosaurs and everything
that flute emo song
should have stayed in his lane with making 📹 instead of lame ass 🎮. we need a remake of lara croft, not this shit
na, this game is very cool, whats not cool is that is gonna take 10 years to be completed
another day another wirek meltdown
just let the moniker go my dude
it wasn’t funny two years ago
today it’s just sad
and the fact you still haven’t found that forum about you is comical at this point
I think you have but you’re too scared to post they
he’s still 🧂 about that anon posting how to do those 😃 and shit. my ⚫ just can’t take the L and move on. hope yall make this guy 🌟 famous 🌟
We don’t understand why, but your reply seems to oversimplify our cause. Well done, friend.
Sadly, he will not take another “L” let alone go quietly despite going 4 and 26 by our count. It’s a shame given the original wirek recently came around after a lengthy discussion…
“Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.” – Michael Corleone in The Godfather Part II (1974)
Hold on! I’m getting my latest “I don’t care” rant ready to shit post!
Gotta take my time this comeback! It seems everyone wants to be me, the true Wirek.
You can’t win, Senpai. We have the high ground!
@Anonymous 2023-12-11 at 02:13
@Drop Tha 💣 2023-12-11 at 03:04
@The More You Know ———->* 2023-12-11 at 06:36
@Wirek 2023-12-11 at 07:20
Heheh… ‘cos I was born to make you happy…
Dear SIR (Sad Impotent Retard), thanks for proving my point… Well, all my points, actually. Although it was so obvious you wouldn’t understand it what you’re referring to. Just to be fair, you obviously had no chances with your terribly low IQ right from the start. It’s no surprise, but rather it’s hilarious that you still can’t count, not even to just 7.
Have you seen my point No. 7? Can you read it with comprehension? No, of course not.
It doesn’t matter what nickname you use, no-life (“The More You Know…”, “…Former Friends of…”, obviously fake “wirek”/”wἱrek” etc.), to hide yourself behind with your ridiculous stupidity just like a coward and hypocrite. My comment listing just 7 points was repeated only 7 (literally: SEVEN) times so far just for your convenience, e.g.:
Anyway, it’s so cute… I love your unhealthy obsession with my person, dear SIR. Keep furiously huffing and puffing, and keep seething with anger – all your words of frustration are music to my ears. Cry me a river, bitch.
Now, pucker up and kiss it:
So you wanna shit post like a “wirek”, huh? Well ok… let’s get started!
Part One: The Perfect Post
>craft a “self-believed” intellectual rant highlighting being the “smartest man in the room” that only you yourself occupies at the moment
>>berate any who challenge your mental superiority in such a condition while ignoring you are also the dumbest in the exact same situation
>place pictographs at carefully selected intervals to further berate inferior anons
>>chastise anons who post them incorrectly or not as you yourself have posted or approve of
>link a youtube video, preferably music, that accentuates your thesis as if written by a five year old such as yourself
>>can also link random words from the dictionary or Wikipedia for extra credit to further “prove” you know “big words”
>conclude your post by not only hammering home your superior smarts but close with a bait statement used to generate replies
>>be sure to include a the “yet-to-be-made” link to your reply posted comment in the website field and change the number in the link to one higher
>>>that way anyone clicking your name to see a “profile” will be taken directly to a reply field to your latest comment
>>>>for extra credit, post your one reply to multiple anons posts to further your digital reach on a horse porn blog
>finally sit back and watch the “stupid” anons make up stories about you and try to match wits with a God-Troll as yourself
>>but when none take the stall bait, switch handles and post a half baked reply to generate (false) interest
>>>be sure do triple check you’ve change the handle and that both email and website fields are clear
>>>>we don’t need yet another repeat of “that” day some months back now do we
Part Two: Pictographs & You
angry beer coffee cool cry
devil grin lol mad razz
sad sait shock shoot sleep
smile squint thumbsup wink
Open and close each selected word with a colon
(:lol:) but just remove parenthesis and you’ll get
>attack any who post them wrong or in a way that offends you in that moment
>>again you yourself can only post the same 6/7 in the same fashion every post as if law made by you yourself
Part Three: End Results
>below his a rough draft of what you should have learned to do
Name: Wirek Website: Link to soon to be posted reply link
Email: Doesn’t matter as wirek can not be registered (I wonder why… )
opening line should be used to chide or call out anon invoking your name or past post
post some pictographs
continue tirade and trouncing of “stupid” anon but make sure you spell check and use a thesaurus for added effect
time to either post more Pictographs or link a YT video desperate for views
conclude with a one-liner used to bait anons into repling OR read your own minutes later just under a different handle
add a ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ for even more extra credit and then sit back and watch the tens of clicks roll in
>this concludes one of many public service announcements from the one and only and true wirek, thank you!
>updated links highlighting the hijacked persona known as wirek
>>the moment the persona collapsed
>>the moment anyone could “be” wirek
>>the moment impostor wirek an hero (posted no less than 10 times as of this post)
>>on point anon pointing out the (one of many to date) fatal flaws with imposter wirek
damn i mean this aint even funny anymore. i dont know what it is but wirek gonna spam a response as always and brush off reality
We knew for months “this “wirek” was indeed an impostor (more on that below). We wanted dialogue. We attempted peace. We gave “this” one a chance. All he wanted was to be made famous… he got his wish! Though we must admit, we wished it could have been us. However, it seems to be far more satisfying knowing he did it to himself!
As stated in a previous reply, the original wirek recently opened a dialect and visited our infamous forum that apparently can be found by all but one. Hence why in recent times, the word “original”, “we” and talk of a forum because part of our replies. The trap was still being set, and yet, “this” wirek seemingly walked right into it with another drunken rant of sorts!
Also we can divulge we had “this” wirek” ‘dox-to-rights’, more or less, given the increased frequency of his posting, save the avalanche of pretenders of an impostor of late. While fun, it only slowed our work. We need not bore you with details, but when the die was unexpectedly cast in the form of yet another flawed rant… we once more proved the high ground was superior!
Nevertheless, going forward we fully expect “this” wirek to undoubtedly solider on spouting nonsense, “broken circular” logic with even more musical links with apparent selfies of his body parts as if nothing is amiss… but we digress.
Though not needed given the “self-own” rant of the fallen imposter, thank you for posting the links. Let this serve as stark reminder of what happens when one not only forgets what mask they are wearing, but also the fact they are wearing a mask.
Now can we all get back to shit posting about the topic at hand, BITS?
W-Why you have to go th-this hard on me, b-bro!? I… I can’t w-wake up to this. Not af-after Lily did that… that thing…
♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫
Please notice me, Senpai!
♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫
your just as bad as him most times and your way out of line too but your still right
@Anonymous 2023-12-11 at 07:57
@The More You Know ———->* 2023-12-11 at 08:47
@Wirek 2023-12-11 at 09:17
@Anonymous 2023-12-11 at 09:29
Heheh… ‘cos I was born to make you happy…
Dear SIR (Sad Impotent Retard), thanks for proving my point… Well, all my points, actually. Although it was so obvious you wouldn’t understand it what you’re referring to. Just to be fair, you obviously had no chances with your terribly low IQ right from the start. It’s no surprise, but rather it’s hilarious that you still can’t count, not even to just 7.
Have you seen my point No. 7? Can you read it with comprehension? No, of course not.
It doesn’t matter what nickname you use, no-life (“The More You Know…”, “…Former Friends of…”, obviously fake “wirek”/”wἱrek” etc.), to hide yourself behind with your ridiculous stupidity just like a coward and hypocrite. My comment listing just 7 points was repeated only 7 (literally: SEVEN) times so far just for your convenience, e.g.:
Anyway, it’s so cute… I love your unhealthy obsession with my person, dear SIR. Keep furiously huffing and puffing, and keep seething with anger – all your words of frustration are music to my ears. Cry me a river, bitch.
Now, pucker up and kiss it:
Wow, that was short! Make me, shorty. Is that all you’ve got there:
Dear SIR (Sad Impotent Retard), your request has been denied.
Now, pucker up and kiss it:
So you wanna shit post like a “wirek”, huh? Well ok… let’s get started!
Part One: The Perfect Post
>craft a “self-believed” intellectual rant highlighting being the “smartest man in the room” that only you yourself occupies at the moment
>>berate any who challenge your mental superiority in such a condition while ignoring you are also the dumbest in the exact same situation
>place pictographs at carefully selected intervals to further berate inferior anons
>>chastise anons who post them incorrectly or not as you yourself have posted or approve of
>link a youtube video, preferably music, that accentuates your thesis as if written by a five year old such as yourself
>>can also link random words from the dictionary or Wikipedia for extra credit to further “prove” you know “big words”
>conclude your post by not only hammering home your superior smarts but close with a bait statement used to generate replies
>>be sure to include a the “yet-to-be-made” link to your reply posted comment in the website field and change the number in the link to one higher
>>>that way anyone clicking your name to see a “profile” will be taken directly to a reply field to your latest comment
>>>>for extra credit, post your one reply to multiple anons posts to further your digital reach on a horse porn blog
>finally sit back and watch the “stupid” anons make up stories about you and try to match wits with a God-Troll as yourself
>>but when none take the stall bait, switch handles and post a half baked reply to generate (false) interest
>>>be sure do triple check you’ve change the handle and that both email and website fields are clear
>>>>we don’t need yet another repeat of “that” day some months back now do we
Part Two: Pictographs & You
angry beer coffee cool cry
devil grin lol mad razz
sad sait shock shoot sleep
smile squint thumbsup wink
Open and close each selected word with a colon
(:lol:) but just remove parenthesis and you’ll get
>attack any who post them wrong or in a way that offends you in that moment
>>again you yourself can only post the same 6/7 in the same fashion every post as if law made by you yourself
Part Three: End Results
>below his a rough draft of what you should have learned to do
Name: Wirek Website: Link to soon to be posted reply link
Email: Doesn’t matter as wirek can not be registered (I wonder why… )
opening line should be used to chide or call out anon invoking your name or past post
post some pictographs
continue tirade and trouncing of “stupid” anon but make sure you spell check and use a thesaurus for added effect
time to either post more Pictographs or link a YT video desperate for views
conclude with a one-liner used to bait anons into repling OR read your own minutes later just under a different handle
add a ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ for even more extra credit and then sit back and watch the tens of clicks roll in
>this concludes one of many public service announcements from the one and only and true wirek, thank you!
@Wirek 2023-12-18 at 11:24
Dear SIR (Sad Impotent Retard), first of all, you must know that your penis doesn’t grow with the length of your comment, shorty. I don’t know why are you telling me that tirade about pathetic story of your no-life and I don’t care, fake Wirek – everybody knows that shit is boring as hell. You clearly mistake me for someone else, or actually for anyone who cares – especially since you’ve posted that comment of yours to random people too.
Cry me a river, bitch, because baiting you every time is like shooting fish in a barrel.
I’m not surprised that “words from the dictionary or Wikipedia” are unbeatable challenges to you.
Thanks again for proving all my points that you’re just an idiot pretending to be an imbecile – it was simply so unnecessary at this point:
Now, pucker up and kiss it:
So you wanna shit post like a “wirek”, huh? Well ok… let’s get started!
Part One: The Perfect Post
>craft a “self-believed” intellectual rant highlighting being the “smartest man in the room” that only you yourself occupies at the moment
>>berate any who challenge your mental superiority in such a condition while ignoring you are also the dumbest in the exact same situation
>place pictographs at carefully selected intervals to further berate inferior anons
>>chastise anons who post them incorrectly or not as you yourself have posted or approve of
>link a youtube video, preferably music, that accentuates your thesis as if written by a five year old such as yourself
>>can also link random words from the dictionary or Wikipedia for extra credit to further “prove” you know “big words”
>conclude your post by not only hammering home your superior smarts but close with a bait statement used to generate replies
>>be sure to include a the “yet-to-be-made” link to your reply posted comment in the website field and change the number in the link to one higher
>>>that way anyone clicking your name to see a “profile” will be taken directly to a reply field to your latest comment
>>>>for extra credit, post your one reply to multiple anons posts to further your digital reach on a horse porn blog
>finally sit back and watch the “stupid” anons make up stories about you and try to match wits with a God-Troll as yourself
>>but when none take the stall bait, switch handles and post a half baked reply to generate (false) interest
>>>be sure do triple check you’ve change the handle and that both email and website fields are clear
>>>>we don’t need yet another repeat of “that” day some months back now do we
Part Two: Pictographs & You
angry beer coffee cool cry
devil grin lol mad razz
sad sait shock shoot sleep
smile squint thumbsup wink
Open and close each selected word with a colon
(:lol:) but just remove parenthesis and you’ll get
>attack any who post them wrong or in a way that offends you in that moment
>>again you yourself can only post the same 6/7 in the same fashion every post as if law made by you yourself
Part Three: End Results
>below his a rough draft of what you should have learned to do
Name: Wirek Website: Link to soon to be posted reply link
Email: Doesn’t matter as wirek can not be registered (I wonder why… )
opening line should be used to chide or call out anon invoking your name or past post
post some pictographs
continue tirade and trouncing of “stupid” anon but make sure you spell check and use a thesaurus for added effect
time to either post more Pictographs or link a YT video desperate for views
conclude with a one-liner used to bait anons into repling OR read your own minutes later just under a different handle
add a ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ for even more extra credit and then sit back and watch the tens of clicks roll in
>this concludes one of many public service announcements from the one and only and true wirek, thank you!
Dear SIR (Sad Impotent Retard), first of all, you must know that your penis doesn’t grow with the length of your comment, shorty. I don’t know why are you telling me that tirade about pathetic story of your no-life and I don’t care, fake Wirek – everybody knows that shit is boring as hell. You clearly mistake me for someone else, or actually for anyone who cares – especially since you’ve posted that comment of yours to random people too.
Cry me a river, bitch, because baiting you every time is like shooting fish in a barrel.
I’m not surprised that “words from the dictionary or Wikipedia” are unbeatable challenges to you.
Thanks again for proving all my points that you’re just an idiot pretending to be an imbecile – it was simply so unnecessary at this point:
Now, pucker up and kiss it:
so what happened to the real wirek?
Well, nothing, actually – I’m still here.
you said in your own words you werent real wirek for obvious reasons. that either means you arent the real one since you never got the link or youve trolled yourself so hard you lost track of just how many names youve posted under here. case in point you posted the same reply like dozen times after you were outted in your words being a fake
>4. Why would I care about your invitations you’re spamming a random victim with? I haven’t got any of them for obvious reasons.
in any case ive typed to much and im trying to understand why someone is defending there posts on animal porn blog site of all places. i guess we both ned help
Maybe… you’re right and maybe you’re not – maybe.
i cant reply to your comment for some reason but im guessing its just another game youre playing with me. whatever. enjoy whatever you got going on here with yourself
@Juicing on Animopron 2023-12-17 at 09:19
If you were smart like me, you’d know you can only reply to comments a certain number of times – and here I thought you’d be fun to play with.
Guess you’re about as smart as the “fake” wireks posting around here and that “Former Friends” and “More You Know” idiots as well.
I’d link some video for you to watch but I doubt you’d be able to understand you’d have to click it to watch it!
Dear SIR (Sad Impotent Retard), you’ve proven to be an idiot right in the first sentence of your shitty comment.
You claim “you posted the same reply like dozen times”, don’t you? That’s just another bullshit of yours, shorty. Don’t use numbers so large (12) that they overflow your brains capabilities. There’s no such comment of mine that I’ve posted more than 7 times so far on this page. You clearly mistake me for someone else, or actually for anyone who cares – especially since you’ve been chatting with a fake Wirek above just like you were way too stupid to notice any difference. You deserved it and it was really hilarious, though.
Dear SIR (Sad Impotent Retard), thanks for proving my point… Well, all my points, actually. Although it was so obvious you wouldn’t understand it what you’re referring to, shorty. Just to be fair, you obviously had no chances with your terribly low IQ right from the start. It’s no surprise, but rather it’s hilarious that you still can’t count, not even to just 7.
Have you seen my point No. 7? Can you read it with comprehension? No, of course not.
It doesn’t matter what nickname you use, no-life (“The More You Know…”, “…Former Friends of…”, obviously fake “wirek”/”wἱrek” etc.), to hide yourself behind with your ridiculous stupidity just like a cowardly (self-)aggressive hypocrite. My comment listing just 7 points was repeated only 7 (literally: SEVEN) times so far just for your convenience, impotent shorty, e.g.:
Anyway, it’s so cute… I love your unhealthy obsession with my person, dear SIR. Keep furiously huffing and puffing, and keep seething with anger – all your words of impotent frustration are music to my ears. Cry me a river, bitch.
Now, pucker up and kiss it:
fck you, you namestealing asshole, the real juicing (me) would never reply like a 25 year old virgin redditor, especially not to wirek posts! and wirek you can go fck yourself too
So you wanna shit post like a “wirek”, huh? Well ok… let’s get started!
Part One: The Perfect Post
>craft a “self-believed” intellectual rant highlighting being the “smartest man in the room” that only you yourself occupies at the moment
>>berate any who challenge your mental superiority in such a condition while ignoring you are also the dumbest in the exact same situation
>place pictographs at carefully selected intervals to further berate inferior anons
>>chastise anons who post them incorrectly or not as you yourself have posted or approve of
>link a youtube video, preferably music, that accentuates your thesis as if written by a five year old such as yourself
>>can also link random words from the dictionary or Wikipedia for extra credit to further “prove” you know “big words”
>conclude your post by not only hammering home your superior smarts but close with a bait statement used to generate replies
>>be sure to include a the “yet-to-be-made” link to your reply posted comment in the website field and change the number in the link to one higher
>>>that way anyone clicking your name to see a “profile” will be taken directly to a reply field to your latest comment
>>>>for extra credit, post your one reply to multiple anons posts to further your digital reach on a horse porn blog
>finally sit back and watch the “stupid” anons make up stories about you and try to match wits with a God-Troll as yourself
>>but when none take the stall bait, switch handles and post a half baked reply to generate (false) interest
>>>be sure do triple check you’ve change the handle and that both email and website fields are clear
>>>>we don’t need yet another repeat of “that” day some months back now do we
Part Two: Pictographs & You
angry beer coffee cool cry
devil grin lol mad razz
sad sait shock shoot sleep
smile squint thumbsup wink
Open and close each selected word with a colon
(:lol:) but just remove parenthesis and you’ll get
>attack any who post them wrong or in a way that offends you in that moment
>>again you yourself can only post the same 6/7 in the same fashion every post as if law made by you yourself
Part Three: End Results
>below his a rough draft of what you should have learned to do
Name: Wirek Website: Link to soon to be posted reply link
Email: Doesn’t matter as wirek can not be registered (I wonder why… )
opening line should be used to chide or call out anon invoking your name or past post
post some pictographs
continue tirade and trouncing of “stupid” anon but make sure you spell check and use a thesaurus for added effect
time to either post more Pictographs or link a YT video desperate for views
conclude with a one-liner used to bait anons into repling OR read your own minutes later just under a different handle
add a ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ for even more extra credit and then sit back and watch the tens of clicks roll in
>this concludes one of many public service announcements from the one and only and true wirek, thank you!
Dear SIR (Sad Impotent Retard), first of all, you must know that your penis doesn’t grow with the length of your comment, shorty. I don’t know why are you telling me that tirade about pathetic story of your no-life and I don’t care, fake Wirek – everybody knows that shit is boring as hell. You clearly mistake me for someone else, or actually for anyone who cares – especially since you’ve posted that comment of yours to random people too.
Cry me a river, bitch, because baiting you every time is like shooting fish in a barrel.
I’m not surprised that “words from the dictionary or Wikipedia” are unbeatable challenges to you.
Thanks again for proving all my points that you’re just an idiot pretending to be an imbecile – it was simply so unnecessary at this point:
Now, pucker up and kiss it:
what’s the latest with episode 2? why hasn’t he posted anything here and hardly anything in his members area?
Who the Hell uses torrent anymore. Give us a propper download ma dude
Another moron that can’t understand how to click a link and grab the magnet for a torrent – I’m surrounded by assholes!
youre acting like the main from and youve long overplayed it
I know, right?
It’s just the same pathetic hypocritical no-life (“The More You Know…”, “…Former Friends of…”, obviously fake “wirek”/”wἱrek” etc.)… replying to his own comments like a frustrated impotent idiot. I love his unhealthy obsession with my person – It’s so cute…
So you wanna shit post like a “wirek”, huh? Well ok… let’s get started!
Part One: The Perfect Post
>craft a “self-believed” intellectual rant highlighting being the “smartest man in the room” that only you yourself occupies at the moment
>>berate any who challenge your mental superiority in such a condition while ignoring you are also the dumbest in the exact same situation
>place pictographs at carefully selected intervals to further berate inferior anons
>>chastise anons who post them incorrectly or not as you yourself have posted or approve of
>link a youtube video, preferably music, that accentuates your thesis as if written by a five year old such as yourself
>>can also link random words from the dictionary or Wikipedia for extra credit to further “prove” you know “big words”
>conclude your post by not only hammering home your superior smarts but close with a bait statement used to generate replies
>>be sure to include a the “yet-to-be-made” link to your reply posted comment in the website field and change the number in the link to one higher
>>>that way anyone clicking your name to see a “profile” will be taken directly to a reply field to your latest comment
>>>>for extra credit, post your one reply to multiple anons posts to further your digital reach on a horse porn blog
>finally sit back and watch the “stupid” anons make up stories about you and try to match wits with a God-Troll as yourself
>>but when none take the stall bait, switch handles and post a half baked reply to generate (false) interest
>>>be sure do triple check you’ve change the handle and that both email and website fields are clear
>>>>we don’t need yet another repeat of “that” day some months back now do we
Part Two: Pictographs & You
angry beer coffee cool cry
devil grin lol mad razz
sad sait shock shoot sleep
smile squint thumbsup wink
Open and close each selected word with a colon
(:lol:) but just remove parenthesis and you’ll get
>attack any who post them wrong or in a way that offends you in that moment
>>again you yourself can only post the same 6/7 in the same fashion every post as if law made by you yourself
Part Three: End Results
>below his a rough draft of what you should have learned to do
Name: Wirek Website: Link to soon to be posted reply link
Email: Doesn’t matter as wirek can not be registered (I wonder why… )
opening line should be used to chide or call out anon invoking your name or past post
post some pictographs
continue tirade and trouncing of “stupid” anon but make sure you spell check and use a thesaurus for added effect
time to either post more Pictographs or link a YT video desperate for views
conclude with a one-liner used to bait anons into repling OR read your own minutes later just under a different handle
add a ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ for even more extra credit and then sit back and watch the tens of clicks roll in
>this concludes one of many public service announcements from the one and only and true wirek, thank you!
Important: If you’re not into sex with statues or mummies, skip this part.
What the fuck is this bullshit, I was promised animals, not mummies!
don’t feel bad he been lying since he got kicked from patreon
awesome videos, awesome game …. I love you Animopron !
who is this poster wirek that’s basically took over this place?
》a troll without a bridge
a guy that only has a platform because yall let him live rent free in yall fucking heads
his “bridge” is yall responses to him and it’s only gonna get bigger when you comment about or call him out. ffs just let the man troll and reply to himself.
the guy spent his entire life out running wisdom
So you wanna shit post like a “wirek”, huh? Well ok… let’s get started!
Part One: The Perfect Post
>craft a “self-believed” intellectual rant highlighting being the “smartest man in the room” that only you yourself occupies at the moment
>>berate any who challenge your mental superiority in such a condition while ignoring you are also the dumbest in the exact same situation
>place pictographs at carefully selected intervals to further berate inferior anons
>>chastise anons who post them incorrectly or not as you yourself have posted or approve of
>link a youtube video, preferably music, that accentuates your thesis as if written by a five year old such as yourself
>>can also link random words from the dictionary or Wikipedia for extra credit to further “prove” you know “big words”
>conclude your post by not only hammering home your superior smarts but close with a bait statement used to generate replies
>>be sure to include a the “yet-to-be-made” link to your reply posted comment in the website field and change the number in the link to one higher
>>>that way anyone clicking your name to see a “profile” will be taken directly to a reply field to your latest comment
>>>>for extra credit, post your one reply to multiple anons posts to further your digital reach on a horse porn blog
>finally sit back and watch the “stupid” anons make up stories about you and try to match wits with a God-Troll as yourself
>>but when none take the stall bait, switch handles and post a half baked reply to generate (false) interest
>>>be sure do triple check you’ve change the handle and that both email and website fields are clear
>>>>we don’t need yet another repeat of “that” day some months back now do we
Part Two: Pictographs & You
angry beer coffee cool cry
devil grin lol mad razz
sad sait shock shoot sleep
smile squint thumbsup wink
Open and close each selected word with a colon
(:lol:) but just remove parenthesis and you’ll get
>attack any who post them wrong or in a way that offends you in that moment
>>again you yourself can only post the same 6/7 in the same fashion every post as if law made by you yourself
Part Three: End Results
>below his a rough draft of what you should have learned to do
Name: Wirek Website: Link to soon to be posted reply link
Email: Doesn’t matter as wirek can not be registered (I wonder why… )
opening line should be used to chide or call out anon invoking your name or past post
post some pictographs
continue tirade and trouncing of “stupid” anon but make sure you spell check and use a thesaurus for added effect
time to either post more Pictographs or link a YT video desperate for views
conclude with a one-liner used to bait anons into repling OR read your own minutes later just under a different handle
add a ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ for even more extra credit and then sit back and watch the tens of clicks roll in
>this concludes one of many public service announcements from the one and only and true wirek, thank you!
I posted that above speech like five or six times you stupid anons.
Maybe someone can finally get what I’ve been trying to tell all you morons for months now!
That should be morons, not Mormons but your all too dumb to figure that out on your own so I have to spoon feed you again!
Heheh, it’s really hilarious that after all those months (like 1.5 years or so already) you’re still way too stupid, to use all the available pictograms. And after all those hints from other morons about how to do it…
You better get someone to spoon-feed you in the first place, dear SIR (Sad Impotent Retard).
I’m sure you’re referring to the fake one.
It’s just the same pathetic hypocritical no-life (“The More You Know…”, “…Former Friends of…”, obviously fake “wirek”/”wἱrek” etc.)… replying to his own comments like a frustrated impotent idiot. I love his unhealthy obsession with my person – It’s so cute…
this wirek and the other really spams this website
i like freedom, but seriously having to scroll a lot to skip wirek’s messages is annoying
wirek and his other personalities are like an untreated cancer… allowed to spread and infect everything…none of it was ever funny or even about AP releases or lack of…guy just filled a void and hijacked the name and festered into what it now
I’m sure you’re referring to the fake one.
It’s just the same pathetic hypocritical no-life (“The More You Know…”, “…Former Friends of…”, obviously fake “wirek”/”wἱrek” etc.)… replying to his own comments like a frustrated impotent idiot. I love his unhealthy obsession with my person – It’s so cute…
Besides, there is an option to register your nickname on this site so… what are you bitching about? Decision to do so is to your discretion, though.
im talking about all your posts bro as theyre pretty much all you at this point
who the fuck would spam a website like this with the content you type up like a mad man nearly every day?
That’s the INTERNET like it is today
Just get along with it and don’t bother other people
I’m sure you’re referring to the fake one.
It’s just the same pathetic hypocritical no-life (“The More You Know…”, “…Former Friends of…”, obviously fake “wirek”/”wἱrek” etc.)… replying to his own comments like a frustrated impotent idiot. I love his unhealthy obsession with my person – It’s so cute…
stfu wirek
>unhealthy obsession
>pathetic hypothetical no-life
>replying to his own comments
>frustrated impotent idiot
and here i thought you weren’t self aware and then go and describe yourself 👏 bravo 👏
now please continue to lecture anons on a horse porn page about your intellectual and moral superiority while we laugh
What you say friend is true… but it’s meaning is lost and wasted on your recipient.
By now, you and all should know it is utterly pointless to have a simple discourse let alone an argument with someone who blissfully enjoys a false sense of moral or intellectual superiority that masks a truly bottomless well of ignorance.
He has already won. Championed his case and cause deep within the depths of his reality departed mind. The unyielding “cancer” one must endure, scroll by each and everyday and topic presented here is the result of his ignorance left unchecked or having any sense other than to destroy any and all for “lulz” with self-serving narcissistic rants and off color remarks.
No amount of reasoning, logic or even submission will change or offset people like him. The only way to “win” is to have pure and unrelenting indifference. “To kill a troll, either burn his bridge or starve him.” Though if you burn bridges, eventually most will be isolated, or worst yet. Trapped with the troll! If you starve the troll… he will eventually die and life will go on. This is the course we and others should chat t going forward.
Make no mistake though. Even in his “victory”, he already knows this truth. Hence the recent uptick in his scattered replies to any mention of his handle. Like a cornered or hungry animal. In times of desperation, self preservation is paramount. He needs this place… needs reaction… needs feedback… need food to survive.
We can not imagine to mental strain and self hate he willingly endures to keep his charade up, and at a site like this of all places, but his determination is relentless. Only surpassed by the force he use to blind himself from the actual truth.
maybe he got the message or is on holiday considering he hasnt carpet bombed his “holier than thou” respond
sex with statues is not very hot, masturbation with dildos and with living beings is hot
but with statues???
with statues is boring
one day bro..
Will u return on film? Miss ur work
Maybe one day AnimoPron will make a cinematic video “Beasts in the sun”… without the boring wandering, sightseeing or puzzle-solving.
No Mega link, no news, no nothing, seems pretty dead to me…
I’ve had countless faps to the BTQ series but the game maybe just one or two then i had to uninstall it to save disk space. Dont get me wrong i do really enjoy animos work and appreciate everything he has given us so far, but man i miss the old days when you excited spammed f5 on Animos blog, with a rock hard cock, to see if there is any news or previews you can jerk of to, or just to have a good laugh at the latest trashtalk of wirek and his redditor friend. Maybe im just getting old because im not into games that much anymore, maybe im alone with that opinion, but i hope im not and one day Animo decides to show us what happened with Quiet and her horny Interrigator after they got friends and went for a ride.
>peaked @ Lara/Horse
>plateaued @ BTQ
>falling fast @ BITS
going off not only his members counts but views and downloads for his vids
while one could argue BITS “just” came out, it was leaked months ago and all his data mined and scenes vidcapped plus what he touted here for over a year was no where near the final product even after 7 uniquie releases
hi, can you help me please, I have problems with the program, and I wanted to uninstall it, but I can’t find how, it doesn’t exist in the list of programs
anyone know how to maker her futa dick hard? or if thats even possible?
Where is the Mega-Link ?
Android/Mac compatibility? Tried many times to download and work work via mega or torrent. How do you actually get this game to work?
Mega link pls
Where can we get the MEGA-Link?
…nothing to find here ;-(
Hi! I downloaded the torrent version. However when I try to run the .exe it doenst do anything. Someone knows how the torrent version works??
Animo can you leave instructions??
the only puzzle solving you mastered is trying to find that thumb dick under your oversized fupa
I’ve played a lot of video games and in extension a lot of porn/hentai games. This is probably the only one that made me feel like my IQ is dropping as I kept playing it. I never cared for stupid porn plots, but I think that actively participating in one is much, much worse than just watching it.
Don’t make every single aspect of your game (dialogue, plot, character design, sculptures, writings, plants, etc.) sexual. It diminishes the value of when the sex parts do start, as the whole thing is just uncanny valley when for example the way to open a door is to collect nipples for a statue and then fucking it. It’s just stupid. I hate the monologues as well, probably because I hate humor in porn. I want to get off, not laugh my ass off (and I’m not even laughing at the “jokes”).
This is not Tomb Raider but porn, this is porn with a smidge of Tomb Raider in it. It’s like participating some Second Life sex RP (at least according to some examples I’ve seen, never actually played SL myself), especially with how the model is designed.
I simply cannot enjoy this as much as I’ve enjoyed the animations you made. It doesn’t work at all for me. I hope your next project is more enjoyable.
LowLevelFatalError [File:Unknown] [Line: 198] Unreal Engine is exiting due to D3D device being lost. (Error: 0x887A0006 – ‘HUNG’) each time I open inventory. never had this problem before. googled. nothing helps.
You have great content and the game turned out great. The only thing I don’t like is the design of the minotaur. it’s disgusting. Remake it completely. Otherwise the game is a masterpiece.
i need help with the floor puzzle ( the 1st one i dont know is there any more ) thx
love it great work you should be proud of it.
Hi i love sex my contact here
Подскажите как выбраться из пещеры с лианами?
Somebody know safe code? And where is page 2 of first comix?
I’m quite early in (I think, no idea how long chapter 1 is) but man, this is the type of porn game I always wanted (and searched for for a long time, of course I find it when I look for other stuff lol). Actually a real game, not just a VN (and the endless rpgmaker ones get boring too), with actual movement mechanics, puzzles (even if easy ones) and stuff. Like skyrim with adult mods but baked into the game and story. Or.. more like tomb raider, if that had more than nude mods.
The few I found that fit that before (like.. haydee or what it was called) were very clunky but this one plays well.
From what I’ve seen so far, I’d gladly buy this, once it’s completed, for AAA prices – And I hardly ever buy an AAA game for full price
keep up the good work!
Now I really hope I’m not at the end of chapter 1 currently, I want to enjoy it some more :3
third time I try to post this, because your website doesn’t think I’m human even if I disable the VPN.. but maybe in another browser it works lol
only niggers horses fuckers will play this
I’m stuck on the cave cant get to the final point is there some trick to get there?
How can i actiate Controller Bindings? I tried 2 different Xbox Controllers and an Ps4 Controller. The Gamepad Bindings Option stays greyed out.
when is the mega link gonna be available.
Lucilla Materazzi, se ti becco ti infilo un braccio in culo e ti uso come una marionetta
Marianna Grasso, so dove abiti, arrivo e ti levo dal mondo