Update on release

Public release is delayed a bit, cause we decided to add a bit more new features to it.

In this public release there will be quite a lot of improvements, plus Gallery mode.

239 Responses

    • but what did he do right?
      guy admits to fucking his sister and (self) replies on a horse porn blog

          • (-‸ლ)
            You must be an utter idiot pretending to be an imbecile who doesn’t know what “literally” means and who can’t even count past 2 (literally two)… because there have been these 2 comments posted below to the forum before you replied (on 2024-05-24 at 06:37):
            1. Anonymous 2024-05-21 at 08:51;
            2. Wirek 2024-05-22 at 09:34.
            There are no sources or proofs for your lies, obviously. And those utter idiots wonder or even cry about why I call them SIRs (Sad Impotent Retards) – not all the users here as they lie about it too.

          • >i don’t care what anyone thinks of me
            >makes 6 replies within 15 minutes
            >spam infinte replies

      • “but what did he do right?”
        What I did right was exposing to everyone here how pathetic liar and no-life you are, SIR. You are obsessed with hatred of AnimoPron so much and yet you’re visiting the website several times a day. I’ve also explained why I consider you as a Sad Impotent Retard changing your nicknames, replying your own comments to pretend a crowd of blind followers, and you’ve been even performing as fake wirek – more on that is right there on the previous page with AnimoPron’s post:
        “guy admits to fucking his sister”
        That’s another boring lie of yours that lingers for a year now:
        We all already know why such an Impotent like you:
        …is so obsessed with my stupid sister Lily’s dick. You’d obviously love to be pegged by her, queer cocksucker.
        “and (self) replies on a horse porn blog”
        Only an utter idiot (like you, SIR) would not see any difference between a fake wirek and me. I bet you cannot even tell the difference between your own yawning and farting.

        • >i don’t care what anyone thinks of me
          >makes 6 replies within 15 minutes
          >spam infinte replies

          • I love your self-criticism, fake Wirek.
            I've posted only 4 (literally: four) comments here on that day (2024-05-25):
            I. 2024-05-25 at 13:03
            II. 2024-05-25 at 13:09
            *III. 2024-05-25 at 13:15
            IV. 2024-05-25 at 13:27
            On the other hand, you've spammed the site with 6 (literally: six) copy-paste self-critical replies in the following order (from top to bottom):
            1. 2024-05-25 at 16:25
            2. 2024-05-25 at 16:24
            *3. 2024-05-25 at 16:25
            4. 2024-05-25 at 16:24
            *5. 2024-05-25 at 16:25
            6. 2024-05-25 at 16:24
            …as fake Wirek in just 2 minutes, and 1 additional off-topic thread started by you (on 2024-05-25 at 16:49) as (A)lways (P)ostpone… your meds and any usage of the jelly between your own ears – what a pathetic no-life you are to hate AnimoPron so much and yet to visit/spam the website several times a day.

            It's not a coincidence that after my comment no. III you, Sad Impotent Retard, decided to react also to your own 2 copy-paste spam comments posted earlier (on 2024-05-22 at 14:49 and 2024-05-22 at 14:50) that nobody reads with your copy-paste self-critical replies no. 3 and 5. Thanks for making it so obvious to everybody else that you've been changing your nicknames to pretend a crowd in your boring threads while replying your own comments (sweet sweet irony ), and you've been even performing as fake Wirek to spam the site… mostly exposing your own obsession with my retarded sister Lily and her dick for already obvious reasons (explained in my reply no. II), you poor queer cocksucker.
            Well done, SIR! I love it.

  1. >be animo
    >admit pay supporters version incomplete
    >admit release from Nov 23 was not final as billed
    >6 plus months work on ep 2 and 3 pics
    >wErE hArD aT wOrK sUpPoRt Me

      • How to Wirek: Spam Infinite Replies Edition

        So you wanna shit post like a “wirek”, huh? Well okay… let’s get started!

        Part One: The Perfect (Roast) Post
        >begin by crafting a strictly self-believed & pseudo intellectual opening monologue new more than two sentences with your first statement highlighting yourself as “the smartest man in the room”
        (technically true & merely used to attract amateur hour troll replies & those new to the site who want to try and make a name off of yours)
        >>the final statement will be an offensive one used to to berate any who would challenge your “airtight” mental superiority in such a room considering you would also be “the dumbest man in the room” by the same logic
        (again while logic would indeed apply, it does not on the internet or more importantly to you unless you see fit since you already “know” you are above all others already and thus, do not have explain nor defend any point other than what you “know” to be true)

        >next we carefully & purposely select from a predetermined set of pictographs very few appear to know how to properly post
        (though rather old by today’s standards, posting them can be self-taught in under ten seconds; again used as another way to attract amateur hour troll replies that will undoubtedly have a few that have posted the pictographs wrong)
        >>this line is optional and used mostly in an ongoing feud or a chain reply with said anons; chastise freshly baited anons and mock them whether their eventually reply of the pictographs are correct or not
        (again logic need not apply to you or what you do since you are above logic and “know” you are above all others; again they are not worthy or capable of understanding your “godly” ways

        >now we move onto to posting a link to a predetermined video from either YouTube or PornHub; apparently the only two websites that host such videos based on your posting history
        (again logic does not apply and is cast aside; all that matters is your mental clairvoyance & superiority be appropriately displayed & only understood by you based on selected link)
        >>another optional line though becoming more frequent as poster’s IQ crack double digits in your view; link to random words definitions to further amplify both your intellect & your target’s “smooth brained” condition
        (while the word is not important, the message it sends must be, again recall the message does not have to be logical or understood by anyone except you; another chance to lure in replies)

        >conclude your post using lines to reinforce your point(s) using “circular, gotcha or trap” logic (ie “I am the smartest person in a room currently only occupied by me) to confused potential replies or create in-fighting among them
        (this is your bread and butter line; cherry pick logic to suit your reality no matter how questioned of flawed it will be attacked for, remember it is the only one in true existence or matters)
        >>use an additional line to hammer home said talking points, again only need to be understood by you while logic is indeed not needed since you are above it unless you declare you need it
        (this is really only used as bait and/or to further insult those that have read your clearly tl;dr spammed reply… again that does not matter since you transcend it and them)
        >>>be sure to include your primary name as “wirek” since you “*post from other handles to get the ball rolling*” in many cases especially during long downtime between main topic posts
        (*despite having been proven & even linked to being guilty of such… again logic and “black & white”, cut & dry proof does not apply to you unless you declare; recall that all that matters is your truth and no other)
        >>>>though already mentioned, you might want to multi-reply to any/all mention of your primary handle of “wirek” solely to lure in both fresh & seasoned posters alike to generate clicks & site traffic

        Now that you know how to create the “Perfect Post”… which is anything you post by either following this guideline or not. All that is left to do is sit back for a few hours and watch the replies come in. If they do not, please refer to section 1.4 >>>. There you will be reminded to user “alt accounts” to either fan the flames or to generate replies when few or none are coming in. Regardless of that or actually replies, no matter if you are right or wrong is irrelevant, for you are above and transcend logic and all unless you deem so… or not even mid post with or without declaring so. Finally and most crucial, BE SURE TO TRIPLE CHECK YOUR HANDLE & LINK BEFORE POSTING UNDER “wirek”. You do not need to be associated with “The Day Wirek Stood Still” day by which the actual “wirek”, the one you (and others) impersonate to this very day for reasons beyond human understanding, was caught not only red-handed posting under multiple handles, but also inflamed the community so much that much of his online activity was posted such as frequented IP address, social media accounts and other sites visited directly after this blog. If you ARE caught in this mess, or someone “un-buries” that link from this blog… again it’s logic and DOES NOT apply to you despite it applying… understand? We DO NOT need a repeat of “that day” again!

        Part Two: Pictographs & You
        >first how to post said Pictographs is as followed

        angry beer coffee cool cry
        devil grin lol mad razz
        sad sait shock shoot sleep
        smile squint thumbsup wink
        >open and close each selected word with a colon, (:lol:) but just remove parenthesis and you’ll get ;they are only presented in line above for simplicity
        (reminder that this a the most used ones however their are others; you might want to test post on highly dated posts months back and try them first before applying to “main account” in current day post)

        >source: https://wordpress.org/plugins/font-emoticons/
        (again attack ANY who dare use “your” Pictograph in any way, shape or form in whatever way you see fit in that moment; again logic may or may not apply but only if it does or does not according to you; if you declare that is)

        Part Three: Time To Serve
        >below is a sample post; again you might want to try this a on far past and dated post prior to going “live”
        Name: Wirek Website: Link to yet to be posted reply (this will gray your name out upon posting) https://animopron.com/2024/05/20/update-on-release-3/?replytocom=46972#respond (as of this post)
        Email: Does not matter as “wirek” can NOT be registered since it is not your name to begin with (I wonder why… but again logic does not apply to you, only others)

        opening monologue should be to insult others replies (to yours) and NEVER on main topic AP posts whatsoever (remember you are an AoC, agent of cuck (chaos))
        be sure to and more lines to either attack, chide, berate and above all, inflame others to the point you will get replies, again logic does not apply to only your repliers, not you
        either continue your tl;dr rant and trounce “stupid anons” but be sure to consult thesaurus.com to add some spice to your post and further highlight your (pseudo) intelligence
        next add the historically used 6/7 Pictographs as used by the oringnal “wirek” prior to defecting & posting off site on a forum depicting said timeline of events to maintain the illusion to fresh anons you are indeed the only “wirek”
        for bonus points and used by the oringal wirek (meaning you though not but who cares about logic) add a ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ for extra credit and as “proof” you are indeed the real wirek

        Part Four: A Legacy No One Cares About
        One day, some crazy scientist or some wide eyed kid… never mind. From time to time, you’ll be countered with an “ace” post mentioning some “random website” about the original “wirek”. Again, if you serious about shit posting and becoming “wirek”, either do no engage and ignore said discussion, or simply craft a reply so long (tl;dr style) that many with lose interest and scroll away but don’t stop there. Spam that shit in and around any/all mention of that forum so future repliers will be “lost” or scroll right by any mention of said forum. But about that forum, it simply proves that this guide is merely a guide… you can NEVER become wirek because he is still here! Watching & sometimes posting though no longer under the name “wirek” but another… He learned his lesson harshly some time ago after “going to far” and pissing off a small band of anons (Sponsored By Former Friends of Wirek, Former Friends of Wirek, The More You Know —–>*, son of wirek, Will the real Wirek please stand up, (A)lways (P)ostpone and imposter wirek to mention a few). They and others got together and doxxed the original wirek. After months of what all thought to be a hoax and fighting fire with fire posts acorss dozens of main topic posts, a tinyurl was posted one day within this blog long ago that linked to a page that had listed the original wirek IP address, that being from a local cafe/internet cafe near his home he visited rather often for free wifi, various social media accounts with pics of cafe and neighborhood (no faces) and a partial view of other sites visited with incomplete passwords to show he posted elsewhere using the same shit-posting tactic as this blog. Regardless, it was enough to scare the original wirek so much that he ceased all posting for a time being. For a time there was peace……………. Until there was not! After a long dry spell (one of many these days) from AP, a “new” or multiple “new” wirek began posting again and took up the mantle for themselves.

        While by then many of that bunch that took down the original wirek had moved on, one or two it would still post from time to time and will no doubt respond to the posting of this itself a tldr guide to wirek, one of them invited the original wirek through his personal and leaked email to post over at the forum… which he accepted and posted. You future shit-poster will most liekly be challenged with said “ace’ post or “check your email” for invite link thus proving you are indeed one of many fake wirek. Again either ignore and deflect, or spam and confuse! There is no middle ground!

        While ever growing, this part will include a brief list of “instant triggers”; these take full priority! They must and will command your full attention and autism. They will be replied to at all cost(s) up to and surpassing all reality based logic and reason. While highly likely redundant at this point, they still must be known. They are posted in no particular order as ALL are treated as an equal threat to your (fractured and fatherless) psyche.

        Any and all references direct or indirect or simply because you deem it just, to:
        >your handle of “wirek”
        (these include impostor(s) using the handle as well)

        >your “retarded sister Lily”
        (what started as fiction became reality after one (of many) night of arguing (replying) with yourself to bait others into replying)

        >an offsite forum dedicated to (laughing at) your various postings and histories
        (while no confirmed link as been posted, some claim it to be in past topics within the blog)

        >a doxxing event that may or may not have taken place
        (again no evidence has ever been posted; outside of a mega link, a (closed) Instagram account, various other sites you “visit” along with partial passwords, and even some satellite photos of the local cafe you post from frequently that was (easily) traced back despite your (toy in the cereal box) VPN always being active)

        >incorrect usage of various pictographs
        (while easy now based off (your own created and posted) guide, many still struggle with them; example such as :lol; instead of )

        >postings of various social media accounts
        (again just deny as you surpass all logic)

        >any insult either by a solo anon, or a dogplie
        (it is not your problem if your (grade school) intellect is lost on the m(asses); (re)educate them repeatedly and often)

        >(re)posting of this very guide
        (while 100% accurate, no one except wirek (you) can post this; just be sure to deny all knowledge and dismiss as those who do as fake; that’ll show them)

        >”impostor” wirek(s)
        (these include split personality postings, or simply any looking to “be” you; reminder everyone is fake outside of your mind and are unable to prove other wise)

        >redefining the meaning of you most prized insult of “SIR” (Sad Impotent Retard)
        (while you do (very much) Spam Infinite Replies; again it is allowed because you (once again) transcend reality and logic; thus any else who act as you can and will be deemed a threat and berated)

        >attacking any link you add to your post(s)
        (these are meant to educate and inform those you deem SIR; so everyone; berate as you see fit)

        >essentially any(thing) you deem worthy of your reply
        (use your superior judgment as you are never ever wrong; even when you are so is everyone else thus making your right because logic (once more) does not apply to you)

        Part Five: What Do You Want On Your (Blank & Forgotten) Tombstone?
        Look dude… if you’re gonna be like (me) wirek, then fucking act like it! Use everything (my) the guide has shown you. All your life choices have led you to this moment. Our moment to be wirek! Remember that logic does not apply to you or anything you post. Everyone is your SIR to point out. Lily will NEVER be just a memory to you (despite your mum’s death throes in the other room as you fucked your sister for the first of many times). Never back down and never surrender. You are wirek goddammit! Fucking act like one!

        Happy shit posting friends. Now anyone can be wirek… except wirek that is because wirek does not have to be because he is already!

        Who do you think you are!? I AM!

        >this concludes our enhanced, updated, poorly translated and (mis)spelled and lengthy guide

        • >i don’t care what anyone thinks of me
          >makes 6 replies within 15 minutes
          >spam infinte replies

      • ugh… could you at least @ me when I actually post something
        btw nice header in your guide you keep posting
        >spamming infinite replies<
        maybe one day animo will pay for keeping this site going
        see you next delay bro

        • (-‸ლ)
          I don’t wait for you, it is you who waits for me, no-life – a Sad Impotent Retard visiting the website several times a day.
          “btw nice header in your guide you keep posting”
          I wouldn’t know, I haven’t read the spam from fake wirek, not even once, and I don’t intend to – more on that is right there on the previous page with AnimoPron’s post:
          It’s interesting that you replied to me, you must be referring to a fake wirek’s spam since it’s right above your comment, but you didn’t reply to the spam message, although you lie it was my comment… just like you knew it wasn’t mine because you posted it by yourself – (A)lways (P)ostpone your meds and any logic whatsoever. Besides, only an utter idiot (like you, SIR) would not see any difference between a fake wirek and me.
          Good job, SIR!

          • >i don’t care what anyone thinks of me
            >makes 6 replies within 15 minutes
            >spam infinte replies

          • Oi son, get off that computer and go try on that cute dress i bought ya, you are gunna be daddys little princess tonight.

  2. This behavior doesn’t surprise me ;-(
    Wirek, it is your turn now…

      • How to Wirek: Spam Infinite Replies Edition

        So you wanna shit post like a “wirek”, huh? Well okay… let’s get started!

        Part One: The Perfect (Roast) Post
        >begin by crafting a strictly self-believed & pseudo intellectual opening monologue new more than two sentences with your first statement highlighting yourself as “the smartest man in the room”
        (technically true & merely used to attract amateur hour troll replies & those new to the site who want to try and make a name off of yours)
        >>the final statement will be an offensive one used to to berate any who would challenge your “airtight” mental superiority in such a room considering you would also be “the dumbest man in the room” by the same logic
        (again while logic would indeed apply, it does not on the internet or more importantly to you unless you see fit since you already “know” you are above all others already and thus, do not have explain nor defend any point other than what you “know” to be true)

        >next we carefully & purposely select from a predetermined set of pictographs very few appear to know how to properly post
        (though rather old by today’s standards, posting them can be self-taught in under ten seconds; again used as another way to attract amateur hour troll replies that will undoubtedly have a few that have posted the pictographs wrong)
        >>this line is optional and used mostly in an ongoing feud or a chain reply with said anons; chastise freshly baited anons and mock them whether their eventually reply of the pictographs are correct or not
        (again logic need not apply to you or what you do since you are above logic and “know” you are above all others; again they are not worthy or capable of understanding your “godly” ways

        >now we move onto to posting a link to a predetermined video from either YouTube or PornHub; apparently the only two websites that host such videos based on your posting history
        (again logic does not apply and is cast aside; all that matters is your mental clairvoyance & superiority be appropriately displayed & only understood by you based on selected link)
        >>another optional line though becoming more frequent as poster’s IQ crack double digits in your view; link to random words definitions to further amplify both your intellect & your target’s “smooth brained” condition
        (while the word is not important, the message it sends must be, again recall the message does not have to be logical or understood by anyone except you; another chance to lure in replies)

        >conclude your post using lines to reinforce your point(s) using “circular, gotcha or trap” logic (ie “I am the smartest person in a room currently only occupied by me) to confused potential replies or create in-fighting among them
        (this is your bread and butter line; cherry pick logic to suit your reality no matter how questioned of flawed it will be attacked for, remember it is the only one in true existence or matters)
        >>use an additional line to hammer home said talking points, again only need to be understood by you while logic is indeed not needed since you are above it unless you declare you need it
        (this is really only used as bait and/or to further insult those that have read your clearly tl;dr spammed reply… again that does not matter since you transcend it and them)
        >>>be sure to include your primary name as “wirek” since you “*post from other handles to get the ball rolling*” in many cases especially during long downtime between main topic posts
        (*despite having been proven & even linked to being guilty of such… again logic and “black & white”, cut & dry proof does not apply to you unless you declare; recall that all that matters is your truth and no other)
        >>>>though already mentioned, you might want to multi-reply to any/all mention of your primary handle of “wirek” solely to lure in both fresh & seasoned posters alike to generate clicks & site traffic

        Now that you know how to create the “Perfect Post”… which is anything you post by either following this guideline or not. All that is left to do is sit back for a few hours and watch the replies come in. If they do not, please refer to section 1.4 >>>. There you will be reminded to user “alt accounts” to either fan the flames or to generate replies when few or none are coming in. Regardless of that or actually replies, no matter if you are right or wrong is irrelevant, for you are above and transcend logic and all unless you deem so… or not even mid post with or without declaring so. Finally and most crucial, BE SURE TO TRIPLE CHECK YOUR HANDLE & LINK BEFORE POSTING UNDER “wirek”. You do not need to be associated with “The Day Wirek Stood Still” day by which the actual “wirek”, the one you (and others) impersonate to this very day for reasons beyond human understanding, was caught not only red-handed posting under multiple handles, but also inflamed the community so much that much of his online activity was posted such as frequented IP address, social media accounts and other sites visited directly after this blog. If you ARE caught in this mess, or someone “un-buries” that link from this blog… again it’s logic and DOES NOT apply to you despite it applying… understand? We DO NOT need a repeat of “that day” again!

        Part Two: Pictographs & You
        >first how to post said Pictographs is as followed

        angry beer coffee cool cry
        devil grin lol mad razz
        sad sait shock shoot sleep
        smile squint thumbsup wink
        >open and close each selected word with a colon, (:lol:) but just remove parenthesis and you’ll get ;they are only presented in line above for simplicity
        (reminder that this a the most used ones however their are others; you might want to test post on highly dated posts months back and try them first before applying to “main account” in current day post)

        >source: https://wordpress.org/plugins/font-emoticons/
        (again attack ANY who dare use “your” Pictograph in any way, shape or form in whatever way you see fit in that moment; again logic may or may not apply but only if it does or does not according to you; if you declare that is)

        Part Three: Time To Serve
        >below is a sample post; again you might want to try this a on far past and dated post prior to going “live”
        Name: Wirek Website: Link to yet to be posted reply (this will gray your name out upon posting) https://animopron.com/2024/05/20/update-on-release-3/?replytocom=46973#respond (as of this post)
        Email: Does not matter as “wirek” can NOT be registered since it is not your name to begin with (I wonder why… but again logic does not apply to you, only others)

        opening monologue should be to insult others replies (to yours) and NEVER on main topic AP posts whatsoever (remember you are an AoC, agent of cuck (chaos))
        be sure to and more lines to either attack, chide, berate and above all, inflame others to the point you will get replies, again logic does not apply to only your repliers, not you
        either continue your tl;dr rant and trounce “stupid anons” but be sure to consult thesaurus.com to add some spice to your post and further highlight your (pseudo) intelligence
        next add the historically used 6/7 Pictographs as used by the oringnal “wirek” prior to defecting & posting off site on a forum depicting said timeline of events to maintain the illusion to fresh anons you are indeed the only “wirek”
        for bonus points and used by the oringal wirek (meaning you though not but who cares about logic) add a ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ for extra credit and as “proof” you are indeed the real wirek

        Part Four: A Legacy No One Cares About
        One day, some crazy scientist or some wide eyed kid… never mind. From time to time, you’ll be countered with an “ace” post mentioning some “random website” about the original “wirek”. Again, if you serious about shit posting and becoming “wirek”, either do no engage and ignore said discussion, or simply craft a reply so long (tl;dr style) that many with lose interest and scroll away but don’t stop there. Spam that shit in and around any/all mention of that forum so future repliers will be “lost” or scroll right by any mention of said forum. But about that forum, it simply proves that this guide is merely a guide… you can NEVER become wirek because he is still here! Watching & sometimes posting though no longer under the name “wirek” but another… He learned his lesson harshly some time ago after “going to far” and pissing off a small band of anons (Sponsored By Former Friends of Wirek, Former Friends of Wirek, The More You Know —–>*, son of wirek, Will the real Wirek please stand up, (A)lways (P)ostpone and imposter wirek to mention a few). They and others got together and doxxed the original wirek. After months of what all thought to be a hoax and fighting fire with fire posts acorss dozens of main topic posts, a tinyurl was posted one day within this blog long ago that linked to a page that had listed the original wirek IP address, that being from a local cafe/internet cafe near his home he visited rather often for free wifi, various social media accounts with pics of cafe and neighborhood (no faces) and a partial view of other sites visited with incomplete passwords to show he posted elsewhere using the same shit-posting tactic as this blog. Regardless, it was enough to scare the original wirek so much that he ceased all posting for a time being. For a time there was peace……………. Until there was not! After a long dry spell (one of many these days) from AP, a “new” or multiple “new” wirek began posting again and took up the mantle for themselves.

        While by then many of that bunch that took down the original wirek had moved on, one or two it would still post from time to time and will no doubt respond to the posting of this itself a tldr guide to wirek, one of them invited the original wirek through his personal and leaked email to post over at the forum… which he accepted and posted. You future shit-poster will most liekly be challenged with said “ace’ post or “check your email” for invite link thus proving you are indeed one of many fake wirek. Again either ignore and deflect, or spam and confuse! There is no middle ground!

        While ever growing, this part will include a brief list of “instant triggers”; these take full priority! They must and will command your full attention and autism. They will be replied to at all cost(s) up to and surpassing all reality based logic and reason. While highly likely redundant at this point, they still must be known. They are posted in no particular order as ALL are treated as an equal threat to your (fractured and fatherless) psyche.

        Any and all references direct or indirect or simply because you deem it just, to:
        >your handle of “wirek”
        (these include impostor(s) using the handle as well)

        >your “retarded sister Lily”
        (what started as fiction became reality after one (of many) night of arguing (replying) with yourself to bait others into replying)

        >an offsite forum dedicated to (laughing at) your various postings and histories
        (while no confirmed link as been posted, some claim it to be in past topics within the blog)

        >a doxxing event that may or may not have taken place
        (again no evidence has ever been posted; outside of a mega link, a (closed) Instagram account, various other sites you “visit” along with partial passwords, and even some satellite photos of the local cafe you post from frequently that was (easily) traced back despite your (toy in the cereal box) VPN always being active)

        >incorrect usage of various pictographs
        (while easy now based off (your own created and posted) guide, many still struggle with them; example such as :lol; instead of )

        >postings of various social media accounts
        (again just deny as you surpass all logic)

        >any insult either by a solo anon, or a dogplie
        (it is not your problem if your (grade school) intellect is lost on the m(asses); (re)educate them repeatedly and often)

        >(re)posting of this very guide
        (while 100% accurate, no one except wirek (you) can post this; just be sure to deny all knowledge and dismiss as those who do as fake; that’ll show them)

        >”impostor” wirek(s)
        (these include split personality postings, or simply any looking to “be” you; reminder everyone is fake outside of your mind and are unable to prove other wise)

        >redefining the meaning of you most prized insult of “SIR” (Sad Impotent Retard)
        (while you do (very much) Spam Infinite Replies; again it is allowed because you (once again) transcend reality and logic; thus any else who act as you can and will be deemed a threat and berated)

        >attacking any link you add to your post(s)
        (these are meant to educate and inform those you deem SIR; so everyone; berate as you see fit)

        >essentially any(thing) you deem worthy of your reply
        (use your superior judgment as you are never ever wrong; even when you are so is everyone else thus making your right because logic (once more) does not apply to you)

        Part Five: What Do You Want On Your (Blank & Forgotten) Tombstone?
        Look dude… if you’re gonna be like (me) wirek, then fucking act like it! Use everything (my) the guide has shown you. All your life choices have led you to this moment. Our moment to be wirek! Remember that logic does not apply to you or anything you post. Everyone is your SIR to point out. Lily will NEVER be just a memory to you (despite your mum’s death throes in the other room as you fucked your sister for the first of many times). Never back down and never surrender. You are wirek goddammit! Fucking act like one!

        Happy shit posting friends. Now anyone can be wirek… except wirek that is because wirek does not have to be because he is already!

        Who do you think you are!? I AM!

        >this concludes our enhanced, updated, poorly translated and (mis)spelled and lengthy guide

  3. Would be great if you could add some quest where lara has to offer her body in sex ritual for some cavemen who are waiting for centuries worshipping a goddess. This goddess looks like lara croft. The cavemen worshipped her for centuries believing the ancient scroll that said the goddess will give them eternal pleasure.
    Lara then disguises as the goddess and has sex with each cavemen or gangbang to gain their trust.
    Sounds cool?

  4. Please make an “unofficial” Lara Croft face mod, I mean if we’re talking about new features, mod support is always a good option.

  5. There is 9 secrets now in new version. I got this inscriotion after completing it.
    Have anyone found them all?
    I only was able to find 7 old secrets. Maybe this 2 new places is not exist and it’s a bug?

  6. the supporter version has an extra thing: lara can grow a horse cock

    so shes becoming a horse lol

  7. y’all niggas ain’t paying shit to the dev and keep talking shit, just wait for the release horny ass niggas

    • animo ain’t no dev but is a creator of hype
      spends more time soft banning angry subs and posting nothing burgers more than actual content these days
      6 bucks is nothing to nearly all but animo is undeserving of it

  8. people are really trying to defend Animo, saying that we don’t pay so we shouldn’t be talking either. Let me say that nobody cares that this is taking the time frame that it’s already taking. People are pissed because of his retarded ass release schedules, if you can even call them that. He announces that X is coming soon, meanwhile it’s almost been half a year and still nothing to show about. This is inexcusable. For non-paying enjoyers but even more so for actual customers.

    • It’s relativity of time (and space) – better get back to school and learn some physics.
      Besides, it’s not about defending anybody, really. It’s about you and others similarly stupid being retarded cry-babies who keep bitching and whining, and weeping at the same thing over and over and over again… just like you were surprised every single time with things so obvious to everybody else, SIR.

      • >i don’t care what anyone thinks of me
        >makes 6 replies within 15 minutes
        >spam infinte replies

        • I love your self-criticism, fake Wirek.
          I've posted only 4 (literally: four) comments here on that day (2024-05-25):
          I. 2024-05-25 at 13:03
          II. 2024-05-25 at 13:09
          *III. 2024-05-25 at 13:15
          IV. 2024-05-25 at 13:27
          On the other hand, you've spammed the site with 6 (literally: six) copy-paste self-critical replies in the following order (from top to bottom):
          1. 2024-05-25 at 16:25
          2. 2024-05-25 at 16:24
          *3. 2024-05-25 at 16:25
          4. 2024-05-25 at 16:24
          *5. 2024-05-25 at 16:25
          6. 2024-05-25 at 16:24
          …as fake Wirek in just 2 minutes, and 1 additional off-topic thread started by you (on 2024-05-25 at 16:49) as (A)lways (P)ostpone… your meds and any usage of the jelly between your own ears – what a pathetic no-life you are to hate AnimoPron so much and yet to visit/spam the website several times a day.

          It's not a coincidence that after my comment no. III you, Sad Impotent Retard, decided to react also to your own 2 copy-paste spam comments posted earlier (on 2024-05-22 at 14:49 and 2024-05-22 at 14:50) that nobody reads with your copy-paste self-critical replies no. 3 and 5. Thanks for making it so obvious to everybody else that you've been changing your nicknames to pretend a crowd in your boring threads while replying your own comments (sweet sweet irony ), and you've been even performing as fake Wirek to spam the site… mostly exposing your own obsession with my retarded sister Lily and her dick for already obvious reasons (explained in my reply no. II), you poor queer cocksucker.
          Well done, SIR! I love it.

  9. “delay it a bit”? mckr you already delayed the public release of the current version by one and a half months and NOW you say you delay it a bit? get your lazy, mexican work attitude having ass the fuck outta here with this shit 😡

  10. >be wirek
    >self own with every keystroke
    >:shock: * 💡 *



    >explains (self) endless replies
    >explains lily relationship
    >explains elementary school humor
    >explains weapons grade autism
    >explains how to guide
    >explains everything

    I’m sorry bro
    I’m so sorry
    you wanted a legacy

    • haven’t you and everyone else had enough with this whole wirek thing by now? who cares if he fucks his chick with a dick sister, if he calls everyone sir, spams replys, links shit, or posts his manifesto guide all the time. the guy is a head case that would make even Sigmund Freud speechless but you aren’t any better always postpone. maybe wirek is right about you making that guide too. maybe someone should make yours. Always Postpone -Always on his Peroid Edition

      • postpone latest in a long list of named posters going after wirek. gotta admit they both whack but that guide is wirek idgaf what anyone says. too much detail precise wording not to be the OG wirek posting. just another game to him. just wish someone post that damn forum link they spittin about with this

      • at least he got wirek to stop replying to everyone this past week or so

        ever since he changed the sir meaning wirwk chilled out a bit

      • Now, ask yourself a question: Which of those 3 above my comment:
        – wire k? 2024-05-26 at 13:07
        – Anonymous 2024-05-27 at 06:17
        – Anonymous 2024-05-27 at 17:02
        …is/are equally stupid as (A)lways (P)ostpone… his meds and any usage of the jelly between his own ears. You don’t have to reply to me here, just keep the knowledge to yourself and have fun. I love it!

        • how smooth is your 🧠
          at least try to be consistent with your berating of postpone. you do the same shit he does just with links

          • “how smooth is your 🧠”
            Clearly not smooth as yours.
            Oh, I’m so sorry I’ve misjudged you – for a short moment I thought you were a bit smarter than that queer cocksucker obsessed with my stupid sister Lily. But then you disabused me of that notion, thanks. I really appreciate that.
            "just with links"
            You clearly have similar "skills" in maths as him – you can't even count all the way up to 0 (literally: zero) 'cos that's exactly how many links there are in my previous reply in this thread or in the no-life's root of the thread. Anyway, be (A)lways (P)ostpone… your meds and any usage of the jelly between your own ears, hoo-kers.
            I've noticed you also like to perform as obviously fake wirek… Well, if you cannot be yourself, then be someone better, be me, fuk yu.

    • I love your self-criticism, fake Wirek.
      I've posted only 4 (literally: four) comments here on that day (2024-05-25):
      I. 2024-05-25 at 13:03
      II. 2024-05-25 at 13:09
      *III. 2024-05-25 at 13:15
      IV. 2024-05-25 at 13:27
      On the other hand, you've spammed the site with 6 (literally: six) copy-paste self-critical replies in the following order (from top to bottom):
      1. 2024-05-25 at 16:25
      2. 2024-05-25 at 16:24
      *3. 2024-05-25 at 16:25
      4. 2024-05-25 at 16:24
      *5. 2024-05-25 at 16:25
      6. 2024-05-25 at 16:24
      …as fake Wirek in just 2 minutes, and 1 additional off-topic thread started by you (on 2024-05-25 at 16:49) as (A)lways (P)ostpone… your meds and any usage of the jelly between your own ears – what a pathetic no-life you are to hate AnimoPron so much and yet to visit/spam the website several times a day.

      It's not a coincidence that after my comment no. III you, Sad Impotent Retard, decided to react also to your own 2 copy-paste spam comments posted earlier (on 2024-05-22 at 14:49 and 2024-05-22 at 14:50) that nobody reads with your copy-paste self-critical replies no. 3 and 5. Thanks for making it so obvious to everybody else that you've been changing your nicknames to pretend a crowd in your boring threads while replying your own comments (sweet sweet irony ), and you've been even performing as fake Wirek to spam the site… mostly exposing your own obsession with my retarded sister Lily and her dick for already obvious reasons (explained in my reply no. II), you poor queer cocksucker.
      Well done, SIR! I love it.

      • >be wirek… again
        >mental gymnastics rivaling more dimensions than string theory
        >prove his how-to-wirek guide across multiple replies… you guessed it… again

        damn bro no joke… your broken
        maybe lily can comfort you
        oh well bye SIR WIREK
        (Spam Infinite Replies While Inbreeding Retard Emulates Knowledge)

      • 》military grade autism
        》fatherless son

        》wirek fanboi
        》simp for attention
        Always Postpone

        did I get that right? you both are the same side of the coin with maybe a slight edge going to wirek with posting half a dozen links. meanwhile postpine all talk about this wirek forum. let’s see that link. yeah didn’t think so

        FUK YU

        • fuk me… no me fuk you
          cant help but laugh at that fatherless son thing… so true about him
          as for me simping and fanboy… simp for attention is what we all do isn’t?
          and im not posting that forum link here. wirek got many invites hes let expire or declined… which me he did open the emails hence we had the correct email… shocker when you leave a trail of breadcrumbs laced with Chernobyl-like radiation that even people from the future not yet born can see coming

        • Oh, I’m so sorry I’ve misjudged you – for a short moment I thought you were a bit smarter than that queer cocksucker obsessed with my stupid sister Lily. But then you disabused me of that notion, thanks. I really appreciate that.
          "to wirek with posting half a dozen links"
          You clearly have similar "skills" in maths as him – you can't even count all the way up to 3 (literally: three) 'cos that's exactly how many links there are in my previous reply in this thread. And half a dozen equals 6 (literally: six), SIR. Anyway, be (A)lways (P)ostpone… your meds and any usage of the jelly between your own ears, hoo-kers.
          I've noticed you also like to perform as obviously fake wirek… Well, if you cannot be yourself, then be someone better, be me, fuk yu.

      • So by your logic, only one user can be active and post at any given time on this website? And if comments are posted around the same time, it must be the same person under a different name or a fake as you scream every post. But wait, don’t you quick post too? You did it at least five times in five different threads in this topic alone. And let’s not forget you “changed” you name many times too. Albeit using a W or w to begin your name. Still, by your logic, you yourself are an imposter “SIR”. No wonder you get so much hate. This blog and the world does not revolve around you. Thank fucking God! And don’t get me started on obsession with you either. I’ve never read so many words from one poster that reads so little and unintelligible. I guess that’s why you decided to call it “quits” huh?
        Wait let me guess, that’s not you? A fake? Me even? Which web will you weave this time? Who cares? Dueces

    • (-‸ლ)
      My retarded sister Lily used to look like that:
      …when she was young. To put it another way – as you could see she was as hot as a dick pumping semen in your asshole, you poor queer cocksucker.
      More details on that off-topic subject is right here on this very page:
      Now, get a life, you pathetic no-life.

      • 》pathetic no life
        》berates anons on a horse porn blog
        come on bro. I wanna understand you but I can’t when you do shit like this. just stop

      • I can’t do this charade any longer.
        For the better part of five years, I’ve been posting here under several names. Mostly always wirek, some others I can’t even remember now. And yes! I am the only and original wirek unlike what many have said, but I digress. :drink:

        I’ve come not to say farewell, but just to let you know that this time, it truly is me, wirek. Not that impostor that posts that guide. I must say, I haven’t been the same since reading it. I mean, it really does read like I would’ve written and posted it. I didn’t, but you already know that.

        The amount of time I’ve dedicated to not only this place, but a few others in truly mind-blowing. (-‸ლ)
        I just can’t do it anymore. For now, I’m calling a truce to one and all. There are too many names to mention, but you all know who you are. No more bickering. No more links. No more “Lily”. No more being wirek. From now on, I’m just wirek. Okay?
        Fair warning though. wirek might post later calling me, the true and original wirek, and this post, a fake. I’m not and nor is it. I hate when he goes overboard with those links just to prove such an obscure point that honestly means nothing the second you all click away from here. Still, I, wirek, am sorry. Honest. :angel:
        (First time I’ve used that one… felt nice.)
        So please, if or when a wirek calls this and me out, just ignore him. It’s not worth arguing with me, myself, I, or any of you any longer.
        Alright then, take care! And please remember, do not engage or enrage wirek. But me, the only wirek, is someone who knows this reply game has gone on too long.

        • And yes, I know I forgot capitalize the W in my name and incorrectly posted :angel: instead of <~~~ saint
          Forgive me this one time. It's been a long day for me, for us. Take care.

          • ^^^to the above^^^
            no fucking clue and probably just another game he’s playing with himself, always postpone or whoever he considers and “impostor” these days. the guy makes no sense, posts nearly daily over his history here, and has started fights among hundreds of seems like every Animo topic posted. and he says we have pathetic lives then goes and posts this? I don’t get it either. Dueces

          • >bwhahahahahahaha…..hahahahahahahah
            >…k… on to business

            First off… I take it back. You aren’t broken. Too weak of a word. Perhaps demolished… mutilated even. I don’t even know anymore after reading your latest(?) post. Got highly discouraged trying to sort you out after seeing many new comments from you in such a short time (again) complete with regurgitated links that lead to disgusting filth you oh-so-love to pedal with every comment it seems.

            Now second… (again) and for real now… you’re beyond help! Beyond human contact or context at this point! Between your unending “love” for Lily (and “her” dick talk), calling back so many comments to prove… (maybe) something (I guess?). IDK… you’re act is tired. Outdated. Above apathy for me and many others (named and otherwise) that simply wanna get back to bitching about animo or anything but you really. Blame “me” for multi-posting (again). Blame “me” for that um… confessional? under your name just above. I couldn’t care less once I click away from this place like everyone else does. I do not dwell, craft mile long walls of text (sorry about this one but it’s justified… wait that’s your thing isn’t? “I call out everyone else for the exact thing I do… but when I do it’s cool but not anyone else” thing). While I’m sure the multi-posting of your self-authored how-to guide you continuously prove has severely damaged you both here in perhaps beyond the keyboard. Hence the reason for your “white flag” post above. But honestly after seeing you so hyper-focused… so (nuclear) autistic when it comes to (self) replying, linking days (or weeks) old comments to your “flavor of the moment” reply, to genuinely you as an actual person who comes up with such… “things, I feel this “sincere” reply is justified.

            To close… I’m sorry I broke you. I really am… but I can not take all the credit. That belongs primarily to the man (boy) in your in your (cracked) mirror in your home… or perhaps local cafe your frequent most often. Your obsession with me… others… this place for years now. It has to stop, really this time. Finally to further my point with no due respect or actual care. You really should seek professional help and care with your “issue(s)”! Endlessly blaming me (and others) during your (once daily) “Spamming Infinite Replies While Inbreeding Retard Emulates Knowledge” Campaign as you claim all are impostors, self-replying anons, fake wirek(s), and among other things I’m sure you’ll add in your robust (and rather dull) reply(ies). At least I can say I’ve seen you humbled (slightly) in the past week or two. No doubt due to one of your many (MANY) personalities (unknowingly?) posting your near 100% accurate how-to guide along many times a topic along with me and a few others (the forum says hi btw) disclosing the actual meaning of both ‘SIR’ and ‘Wirek’.

            >wirek broken
            >seek Ra or touch grass
            >need pro gamer help
            >humble thou-self son
            >fix mirror
            like you said in your latest manifesto… your whole persona is a charade
            why not try being real… like the real wirek for once in your (pathetic?) life
            you can’t possibly speak in real life as your type here, right… right

          • (-‸ლ)
            What a pathetic no-life you are to hate AnimoPron so much and yet to visit/spam the website several times a day.
            And the wiener is… MR (A)lways (P)ostpone… your meds and any usage of the jelly between your own ears. And by MR I mean the Most Retarded, obviously.
            Try harder, my li’l bitch. Keep replying to your own comments, my li’l attention-craved whore.

        • i wanna take a beer too

          and by beer i mean i want to drink lily’s piss as beer :drink:

          • i wanna take a beer too

            and by beer i mean i want to drink lily’s piss as beer

    • you want vr support?
      how about not working on version EIGHT of part 1
      (at least according to the latest posts behind the paywall)
      no wonder this “concept” sat on a thumb drive for five years just like that horse preview he posted a weeks back that was from 2021

    • I love your self-criticism, fake Wirek.
      Oh, I'm so sorry I've misjudged you, fuk yu – for a short moment I thought you were a bit smarter than that queer cocksucker obsessed with my stupid sister Lily. But then you disabused me of that notion, thanks. I really appreciate that.
      Anyway, be (A)lways (P)ostpone… your meds and any usage of the jelly between your own ears, hoo-kers.
      I've noticed you also like to perform as obviously fake wirek… Well, if you cannot be yourself, then be someone better, be me, fuk yu.

      • >be me guide
        >forever hyper linking
        >everyone always postpone
        >muh retarded trans sister every reply
        >manifesto & confessional
        >schizophrenic & god complex
        >legacy & tombstone remembered by no one
        honestly can’t keep up with you
        stand by what I & many others typed
        you’re broken, beyond human contact & context with no hope for correction
        but you do you & keep at it
        maybe things will turn around for you

      • 》confusion should be you’re name
        you think everyone name changes and is sus because they got under your skin
        》spamming is your game
        funny how no one can double post or have similar comments except you
        》calling me a queer cock sucker
        don’t include me in your monthly celebrations homo
        you and that thing should get fukd by a flamethrower

        and here i thought you were cool this whole time. you’re like a foot fungus that just won’t go away unless you amputate. 20 something replies in a week. the fuk yo! you must like the mcgangbang you get from so many here. maybe that’s why you keep posting and coming back.

        • “》confusion should be you’re name
          you think everyone name changes and is sus because they got under your skin”
          I’ve never claimed that everyone changes their nicknames, but I’m sure you do. I love your self-criticism, though.
          "》spamming is your game
          funny how no one can double post or have similar comments except you"
          When something looks like a bitch, is barking up the wrong tree, and is bitching and whining, and weeping at the same thing over and over again… in the same Sad, Impotent and Retarded way, then it must be one and the same bitch. I love your self-criticism expressed in the first place, though.
          "》calling me a queer cock sucker"
          As a matter of fact, I've never called you that. What I said was literally "[…]that queer cocksucker obsessed[…]" in replies to you or literally "[…]you poor queer cocksucker." in my replies addressed to (A)lways (P)ostpone – performing as himself, obviously fake wirek or Anonymous. On the other hand, if you feel offended by me when I call like that somebody "else", then who am I to call you a fuckin' liar with pants on fire. It seems you fell into your own trap of lies.
          Keep changing your nicknames while replying to your own comments. Be (A)lways (P)ostpone… your meds and any usage of the jelly between your own ears.
          Although, if you cannot be yourself, then be someone better, be me, fuk yu.
          Keep bringing her up, peg boy.
          "and here i thought you were cool this whole time."
          That's not even remotely true – you just criticised me as much as you criticised (A)lways (P)ostpone who is yourself, in fact.

  11. Hey animo when can we have an option for lura to keep all that cum in her belly as where playing? Ps you should definitely add a scene where she gets stuffed with eggs lol

    • she should constantly drink sperm, like 2 liters of sperm per day

      and by drink i also mean drinking it inside her asshole, the ass can absorb the sperm too
      drink in ass and mouth

  12. long enough to tell wirek he needs to fuck himself in the ass with a 10″ rubber cock in a gimp suit

    • 》the joke
      》your head
      he keeps coming back for the mcgangbang. he is the prime product of a fatherless son if any. he can’t even troll right and thinks we care after we hit send on our comments

    • X years ago someone moved a chair the wrong way or stepped on a butterfly and our current timeline got a timeshifted evil jarod nandin named wirek. there is no other rational explanation after witnessing his im sorry post, be me guide posts, lily operation disclosure and everyone is fake but me rants all in the span of a week

      • Jarod is loved by the WoW community and got a south park character made after him

        wirek is hated by everyone and uses his bulk ordered replies from costco to argue with himself

        “How do you kill that which has no life?”
        You ignore it!

  13. people talk more about wirek than about the game in this comment section

    they even made a guide to try to talk like wirek and be like wirek, wtf

    wirek should appear in the game, since hes so popular in the community
    fucking lara
    or getting fucked by lara since she can grow a cock in the game
    get fucked by lara in the game you sissy cocksucker

    • because as cancerous wirek is, still better than talking about the seventh re-release of part 1. there’s been zero development for months on part 2. wirek guide was made by wirek and no amount of deflection from wirek will change anyone’s mind. it is literally exactly how he posts here for years now. too bad ap doesn’t finally pay him for keeping this site alive after months of nothing

      • (-‸ლ)
        Your closed mind is an empty mind indeed… and it makes the most noise just like empty barrels do.

    • 》God Complex
      people like him are most often the unwanted center of attention for others just trying to live their lives
      if not him then who could craft such a guide that describes and details with near perfection every thing about him?
      》easter egg
      he appears in the game as piss and doubles as a stunt sphincter when he needs extra money
      》prom king
      he’s not even the most popular person in his mirror let alone here or anywhere else

      guy need to be humbled or doxxed again if the past is any true. still can’t find that forum people made showing his Ls and that isn’t the first wirek. been spot checking past topics. guy fights with everyone especially himself. plus I know it’s “his kinds’ month and all but why you think he’s always mentioning his “sister” in every post now?

      • >solipsism
        interesting concept but by thinking & believing you’re the center or sole member of something as a universe iis truly as closed minded as one can be… a rather elegant but spot on way to describe him

        >stunt sphincter

      • “》guide
        if not him then who could craft such a guide that describes and details with near perfection every thing about him?”
        Obviously you, fuk yu A.K.A. (A)lways (P)ostpone… your meds and any usage of the jelly between your own ears.
        “》prom king
        he’s not even the most popular person in his mirror let alone here or anywhere else”
        I’m popular enough to live rent free in your empty head.
        “doxxed again”
        When was the 1st time? ‘Cos I must have missed it despite the fact that I’m still around for several years already.
        Keep changing your nicknames, coward, while replying to your own comments. Be (A)lways (P)ostpone… your meds and any usage of the jelly between your own ears.
        Although, if you cannot be yourself, then be someone better, be me, fuk yu.
        “he’s always mentioning his “sister” in every post”
        It’s not me, it’s you, SIR. Keep bringing her up, peg boy.

        • ironic reply given that is exactly what you do in each and every multi-post
          spam infinite replies Infinite indeed for both you and your counter-personality

  14. For the update, do I have to install everything again or how do I avoid losing my progress?

    • 》a re re re re re re release
      if you consider a mediocre walking sim with circa 2010 customizations options and highly repetitive clips outstanding, I’m sure he could use someone like you to help on part 2 coming sometime in 2027 after the 23rd release of part 1

      • it’s not well written from a code standpoint. especially the earlier versions. you can tell he and who ever he got to help don’t really have a grasp on things hence the slow rate i suppose. part 2 is well more than a year off

      • (-‸ლ)
        What a pathetic no-life you are to hate AnimoPron so much and yet to visit/spam the website several times a day – keep changing your nicknames, coward, while replying to your own comments.
        Although, if you cannot be yourself, then be someone better, be me, fuk yu.
        And the wiener is… MR fuk yu A.K.A. (A)lways (P)ostpone… your meds and any usage of the jelly between your own ears. And by MR I mean the Most Retarded, obviously.
        Already acknowledged twice in:
        Try harder, my li’l bitch. Keep replying to your own comments, my li’l attention-craved whore.

        • ironic reply given that is exactly what you do in each and every multi-post
          spam infinite replies Infinite indeed for both you and your counter-personality

    • https://animopron.com/2024/05/20/update-on-release-3/#comment-46978
      read that and the dozen other times he posted it. though he’s probably gonna add more triggers and include new part about his sister loved being fucked by him so much that he gave his dick to her to help with her transition. need proof? read any of his comments as he never forgets to mention his sister’s cock now just in time for fruit loop month

      his dick now so…

      • “include new part about his sister”
        “mention his sister’s cock”
        Keep bringing her up… twice in a single comment of yours, peg boy.

        • ironic reply given that is exactly what you do in each and every multi-post
          spam infinite replies Infinite indeed for both you and your counter-personality

    • (-‸ლ)
      What a pus-filled pussy you are, what a victim, a cry-baby. Yet you’re totally fine with blaming me for BOB you swallow and spew up several times a day. And by BOB I mean Buttloads of Bullshit, you SAD (Stupid And Depressed) coprophage.
      What a pathetic no-life you are to hate AnimoPron so much and yet to visit/spam the website several times a day – keep changing your nicknames, coward, while replying to your own comments.
      Although, if you cannot be yourself, then be someone better, be me, fuk yu.
      And the wiener is… MR fuk yu A.K.A. (A)lways (P)ostpone… your meds and any usage of the jelly between your own ears. And by MR I mean the Most Retarded, obviously.
      Already acknowledged twice in:
      Try harder, my li’l bitch. Keep replying to your own comments, my li’l attention-craved whore.

      • ironic reply given that is exactly what you do in each and every multi-post
        spam infinite replies Infinite indeed for both you and your counter-personality

    • I love you love, thank you for a great game, keep it up, I will wait as long as it takes for this incredible game to be finished

  15. 23-11-23: Here’s the final release of the First episode of BITS!
    24-12-23: We are working hard on EP2
    24-01-24: I’m working on the horse right now
    25-02-24: We are heavily working on EP2
    08-04-24: We just released a V7 update for EP1
    20-05-24: Public release is delayed

    can anyone explain? he went from ep1 being done to working on ep2 for 3 months to all of a sudden back to ep1 the last 4 months without explanations. also why did he post horse preview similar to one he posted many years ago. i found it on kemono and it was his last leak there

      • >11 crtl C / crtl V (SIR)spam Infinite replies
        >proves guide
        >proves complex
        >proves solipsism
        you are the product of a family tree with minimal branches at it shows. you are broken, fatherless and godless. but forget that. happy pride month to you and lily, the happy inbred couple

      • ironic reply given that is exactly what you do in each and every multi-post
        spam infinite replies Infinite indeed for both you and your counter-personality

        • ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
          Do you want a cookie my good SIR (Sad Impotent Retard)
          I’m surpised it took you this long to figure out.
          Then again I would expect no less from someone cannot even tell the difference between your own yawning and farting.
          Try harder, my li’l bitch. Keep replying to your own comments, my li’l attention-craved whore and change your name while your at it too! This is kinda fun!

        • Hoo-kers… Well, speak of the devil and he doth appear! …one lonely loser with many faces covered in faeces.
          You’re getting slooow with only 5 copy-paste replies in just 3 minutes. You’ve always been slow intellectually and even mentally. I love your self-criticism in the subject of spamming, though. 11 crtl C / crtl V (SIR)spam Infinite replies”
          You’ve already exposed yourself as unable/Impotent to count all the way up to 6 or 3, or even just 0.
          OK, we all got it already that you have same daddy issues, peg boy.
          “and godless”
          You’re renowned for serving BOB (Buttloads Of Bullshit) on subjects you have no idea.
          “and lily”
          Keep bringing her up, you poor queer cocksucker.

          @fuk yu (I’m out) 2024-06-06 at 02:00
          “》 (A)lways (P)ostpone = Wirek”
          You’ve already confessed that you were offended by me when I described (A)lways (P)ostpone – that queer cocksucker.
          “no comebacks”
          Oh, you’ll be back changing your nicknames out of your cowardice, SIR.
          “no insults”
          It’s way to late for you with that virtue signalling, peg boy.
          “I stand by my dated comment”
          The one that exposed yourself as unable/Impotent to count all the way up to 6 or 3, or even just 0.

          @Wirek 2024-06-08 at 07:09
          Well, if you cannot be yourself, then be someone better, be me. I love it.

          • >trademarked wirek
            >trademarked always postpone

            you didn’t have confirm you were a shit poster, everyone already knew

          • >typing so much
            >meaning so little

            how deep are we under your skin

            》your tears taste wonderful《

          • @Anonymous 2024-06-08 at 17:16
            “>trademarked wirek”
            What are you bragging about? That it took you almost 2 years to figure it out – even longer than the “copy-protected” pictograms, SIR? Wow, you’re sooo sloooooow.
            @Anonymous 2024-06-08 at 17:25
            “》your tears taste wonderful《”
            It’s a bold statement for somebody who’s a cry-baby flooding the site with dozens of posts using various nicknames, fake wirek included. Thanks for proving my point it was you who was spamming the site all along. I love your anger, your frustration, your schoolyard-like rage after fuk yu passed away.
            What a pathetic no-life you are to hate AnimoPron so much and yet to visit/spam the website several times a day – keep changing your nicknames, coward, while replying to your own comments.
            Although, if you cannot be yourself, then be someone better, be me, fuk yu.
            And the wiener is… MR fuk yu A.K.A. fake wirek A.K.A. (A)lways (P)ostpone… your meds and any usage of the jelly between your own ears. And by MR I mean the Most Retarded, obviously.
            Already acknowledged twice for (A)lways (P)ostpone in:
            Already acknowledged twice for fuk yu in:
            Try harder, my li’l bitch. Keep replying to your own comments, my li’l attention-craved whore.

    • wanna bet we get another ten plus posts from wirek per his guide followed by his alt always postpone bashing wirek “himself” and ranting about that forum site?

      gotta admit without “those two” posting, this place gets less than two posts a day if that.

      • ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
        Do you want a cookie my good SIR (Sad Impotent Retard)
        I’m surpised it took you this long to figure out.
        Then again I would expect no less from someone cannot even tell the difference between your own yawning and farting. You think I will stop possting here
        Try harder, my li’l bitch. Keep replying to your own comments, my li’l attention-craved whore and change your name while your at it too! This is kinda fun!

  16. so theres no EP2 even for supporters? or m I missing something 🧄🪮
    haha eitherway im supporter since few days ago BC respect to your platinum work and dedication

    also greetings from
    PISMO, Novska, video game dev school from Croatia, https://inkubator-pismo.eu/
    P.S. its in random rural town many horses in viscinity :3 🥵🫠 I wanna slavic horse anal filament in meeeh :3

    • you claim to support him yet what you ask can easily be answered within his monthly support posts on subscribe star

      make it make sense

  17. I think it’s (A)bout time for a fun new game. Would any SIR (Sad Impotent Retard) care to guess what I have in store for (A)ll of you?
    No? (P)erhaps in a few days. I’ll be busy with Lily so you know

  18. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    Do you want a cookie my good SIR (Sad Impotent Retard)
    I’m surpised it took you this long to figure out.
    Then again I would expect no less from someone cannot even tell the difference between your own yawning and farting.
    Try harder, my li’l bitch. Keep replying to your own comments, my li’l attention-craved whore and change your name while your at it too! This is kinda fun!

        • >trademarked wirek
          >trademarked always postpone

          wonder what “trick” you’ll use now considering your pictographs were taken and now your hidden trademark symbol embedded with reply your link exposed

          oh you could register your name… oh wait… you can’t… wonder why…

          》your tears taste wonderful《

        • x2 post
          >imagine clinging to relevance on a horse porn blog by arguing everyone is fake but
          >an hero when wirek

          at least we retired another alt of wirek

          》your tears taste wonderful《

        • WIREK
          Weak Inbred Retard Emulates Knowledge

          Sad Important Retard —> Spam Infinite Replies

          Most Retarded —> Mostly Redundant

          Buttloads of Bullshit —> Brother Offering Butt

          Stupid And Depressed —> Sisterly Abuse Disorder

          just tryin’ to keep up but is this all your acronyms so far?

          • his sister is technically his biological brother though

            trans women with penises are biologically boys in base

          • @Anonymous 2024-06-08 at 17:21
            “>trademarked wirek”
            What are you bragging about? That it took you almost 2 years to figure it out – even longer than the “copy-protected” pictograms, SIR? Wow, you’re sooo sloooooow.
            “wonder what “trick” you’ll use now”
            It’s already there. You haven’t found it yet, have you? Oh, what a pitty… Let’s wait dozens of months for you to figure it out.
            “》your tears taste wonderful《”
            It’s a bold statement for somebody who’s a cry-baby flooding the site with dozens of posts using various nicknames, fake wirek included. Thanks for proving my point it was you who was spamming the site all along. I love your anger, your frustration, your schoolyard-like rage after fuk yu passed away.
            @Anonymous 2024-06-08 at 17:21
            "is not pegging"
            Let's wait dozens of months for you to figure it out how to use a dictionary, peg boy.
            What a pathetic no-life you are to hate AnimoPron so much and yet to visit/spam the website several times a day – keep changing your nicknames, coward, while replying to your own comments.
            Although, if you cannot be yourself, then be someone better, be me, fuk yu.
            And the wiener is… MR fuk yu A.K.A. fake wirek A.K.A. (A)lways (P)ostpone… your meds and any usage of the jelly between your own ears. And by MR I mean the Most Retarded, obviously.
            Already acknowledged twice for (A)lways (P)ostpone in:
            Already acknowledged twice for fuk yu in:
            Try harder, my li’l bitch. Keep replying to your own comments, my li’l attention-craved whore.

          • you dont have the minimun intelligence to understand trans women are biologically males? trans women are biologically boys, your sister is biologically your brother

  19. How to Wirek: (B)ecome (M)e 2nd Edition

    While my (our) secret is out, I (we) will never yield! In fact, I (we) will only double down (again), or is triple at this point? Thus on this night, I (we) felt the need to remaster my (our) how-to guide in an effort to recruit others to my (our) cause. What that is, I (we) do not know… but when I (we) figured it out, I (we) will tell you. (A)lso, much thanks to the (P)erson that helped me re-write this guide. A very… very close friend of mine (mind). I’m sure you (A)ll ready know the (P)erson. So with that being said, I (we) might change around a bit when typing the to gift to of the latest edition of the “How to Wirek” guide. Try to keep up incel!

    (P)art One: The (P)erfect Roast (P)ost
    Begin by conjuring a purely self-believed & pseudo-intellectual opening line, or lines, if warranted. This initial response can be based on whomever draws your ire or whomever you wish to SIR (Spam Infinite Replies) to, or it can be anything you see fit. Remember, nothing and no one exists outside of your mind! That being said, be mindful that in this world… the real world… the Internet is “forever”; thus so is your glorious (wizz)dom. Remember, you are no ones friend. You must and will berate all with no mercy. If so chosen, you can also include various PornHub or YouTube video links to “soften” the blade that is your words. Though be wise and DO NOT link to videos you have personally uploaded on at their respective website. While characters are enough for most, not all can handle seeing my (our) retarded trans sister Lily in (he)r post-op state… but I (we) digress.

    Be sure to include a predetermined set of pictographs in your reply(ies). The same six will do despite there being nearly triple that. Also, mock any and all who try to “copy & paste” in attempt to “steal” your treasured (dated) pictographs. The will fail… but this is guide after all and I (we) do need more for the cause… I (we) think… so those will be explained soon. Also be certain to use “circular logic” or “gotcha/trap logic” in your closing statement. For example; “I am the smartest person in a room currently only occupied by me.” While that would make you the smartest, it would also make you the dumbest… but that second part does not concern you (us). Remember, you (we) are above logic! You can also hammer home berating points of simply shit post the same reply multiple times to increase your (our) post count… cause there is totally one! I (we) checked! Finally, DO NOT post your (wizz)dom until you have read this ENTIRE guide. Once again… I (we) DO NOT need another repeat that exposed us (so many times) with changing names, self replying and chain-replying to look like people care about what I (we) post once clicking away from here.

    (P)art Two: (P)ictograph (P)alooza
    While dating back over a decade, these were once my (our) bread and butter here. A “call-sign” if you will. No one could post them except me (us) and it made everyone like super-duper angry. It was fun… until it wasn’t. I (we) slipped up some time ago arguing with myself in a half dozen replies and posted the link I (we) found them at… sigh. Oh well, best to include them now for you know, reasons!

    angry beer coffee cool cry
    devil grin lol mad razz
    sad sait shock shoot sleep
    smile squint thumbsup wink

    It’s ral easy. Just pick which ever pictograph you want, and place a colon before AND after the word. If done correctly, it post as above. If not, you will get the word you chose with incorrect punctuation. You might want to try these out on a dated post, one like six months older or so before posting in the current thread. I (We) do have a reputation to uphold now!

    And for more fun, you can use these as well. These you CAN copy and paste while pictograph will not.

    Here is the sauce for further details and know-how if you want: https://wordpress.org/plugins/font-emoticons/ (I love me some hyperlinking!)

    • (P)art Three: (P)repare to (P)ost
      After your words of (wizz)dom have baked in your brain. After you’ve chosen the (A)ppropriate (P)pictograph(s). Now you’re ready to “sign” your reply… a stage missed by many and understood by far less… so I (we) will show you now. Below the reply field, you will see the “name”, “e-mail” and “website” field. In the name field, Wirek is fine. Though I suppose you can use my favored alt name of (A)lways (P)ostpone. I did have a few others back in the day. I (we) got carried away… somewhat. Again I (we) digress. Back to the fields.

      Use the name Wirek for now. The e-mail should be left blank (more on that later). The most important field is the website. Here takes a bit of research (autism). The link I will use is the following; https://animopron.com/2024/05/20/update-on-release-3/?Wirek=%E2%84%A2#comment-47124 My last “confirmed” post as me (us). Mind you, Wirek is near and dear and will forever by my main handle on this blog. But back to the expo-dump. You’ll notice I (we) added some things to the link that aren’t in a normal link. First, hover over any reply hyperlink. You’ll see something like this; https://animopron.com/2024/05/20/update-on-release-3/?replytocom=47137#respond (picked totally (A)t (P)erchance). You’ll see some subtle differences. Here they are together for ease of reading:


      Notice the difference? Now let me (us) explain. Those added symbols and numbers puts a small ™ after my (our) name in the hyperlink so I (we) can keep track of who has been “becoming” me (us). Of late, a few more have figured me (us) out so it’s only fair I (we) finally put it in the guide. Back to the links.

      • You’ll notice I (we) change quite a bit of the link… but I (we) have to since there are very few, if any, more proofs I (we) can use to “prove” who is Wirek these days. This is also why I (we) SIR (Spam Infinite Replies) more and more now because a few people knew the trademark trick, but didn’t get the comment number right; hence vastly inferior intelligence to me (us). Many think the “latest” comment is the one at the bottom of the page. It could be… but not anymore after I (we) SIR up the place to throw off my (our) scent. Okay… NOW back to the links. I promise to stop ranting!

        So as of this post (hopefully), take this link;

        and make it look like this

        Once posted, you’ll see that ™ in the hyperlink, but NOT in the name field as some have posted in the past. Stupid incels! Lily is mine! Okay, time for the tl;dr part.

        >use current topic link https://animopron.com/2024/05/20/update-on-release-3/
        >instead of using the back half of the link; /?replytocom=47158#respond when you hover over the reply link, remove it (member berry the number WILL BE different when YOU become me (US))
        >put this in ?Wirek=%E2%84%A2#comment-47179
        >so then the link should look like this; https://animopron.com/2024/05/20/update-on-release-3/?Wirek=%E2%84%A2#comment-47179
        >put that link into the website field but be sure to use the correct comment number… member berry to SIR to throw off the scent

        Man I (we) hope we (I) got that right. Lily been knocking on my door for a while now… almost done! Promise! And now, I didn’t forget about the e-mail field!

        • (P)art Four: (A) Legacy (P)ostpone(d)
          One day, some crazy scientist or some wide eyed kid… never mind. From time to time… daily in fact. Many, if not all, will change my (our) mantle that is Wirek. They will sling accusations about a doxxing event. Pictures of some Internet cafe you may or many not have posted from. Some random “forum” erected in your honor (of failures and L’s). Some invite link sent to my (our) e-mail to vist said forum. Various social media accounts of mine (ours) showing me and… yes… Lily. And about someone being the “original” Wirek and how he turned and exposed the true origins of Wirek… IMPOSSIBLE!

          I (WE) AM (ARE) WIREK!!!

          Again, if your serious about becoming me (us), then you MUST defend my (our) honor and integrity at all costs. This must consume you as much as I (we) type this guide. Sure we may fuck our retarded-trans sister Lily. Sure our Mom “may” have being dying in her bed (most likely from walking in on us many times) next door from a broken heart. Sure I (we) “may” used alt names like “Sponsored By Former Friends of Wirek”, “Former Friends of Wirek”, “The More You Know —–>*”, “son of wirek”, “Will the real Wirek please stand up”, Těrry, and my latest being “(A)lways (P)ostpone”. Like I said… I (we) got carried away. But you’ll note ONLY Wirek is used with a ™ . No other name whatsoever can or will be used in such a manner. Even though I (we) have given you this information… *HOLD ON LILY GOD*… sorry… you will use it in an intelligent manner.

          I also have to confess of late, this entire persona is becoming rather difficult to maintain. Hence maybe why I made the guide in the first place… though not without some pitfalls to perhaps make the game a bit more fun for me to read when you people come at me (us). Even now… I gotta be honest. Everything in the above paragraph is made up. Not the names, those I used though no longer outside of (A)lways (P)ostpone. There is no forum. No doxxing. No trans sister… none of it is real. The truth is, I’m lonely and… gotcha SIR (Sad Impotent Retard)! It was me Austin! It was me all along!


          Sorry about that part… Lily made (he)r way in and under my (our) desk… so I (we) gotta finish this up quick so I’ll end it with this. There’s a reason why the (d) is like that in the header… I gave it to Lily… no really. I gave her my dick to help with (he)r transition. Hence why I (no… just I this time… she’s all mine) getting pegged by (he)r and have mentioned (he)r so many times and pegging in my latest comments… you wouldn’t understand. You may become me… but Lily is MINE!

          (P)art Five: Trigger Warning
          Okay… fuck s(he) is good! Trigger… yes triggers! Below is small list and will updated in the future as needed. I… (We…) can’t concentrate. S(he) is pegging me so deep… fuck!! K… triggers… yeah I can’t explain too greatly. I think… I think s(he) broke something in me… but I’ll… (we’ll…) try…

          >misuse of your name
          >offsite Forum
          >((A)buse of (P)ictographs
          >unauthorized re-posting of this guide
          >redefining acronyms like SIR, MR, BOB, SAD and any future acronyms I (we) post
          Sad Important Retards / Spam Infinite Replies
          Most Retarded / Mostly Redundant
          Buttloads of Bullshit / Brother Offering Butt
          Stupid And Depressed / Sist(he)rly Abuse Disorder
          >not watching or viewing (A)ny posted video or (P)icture
          >saying this guide was not posted by the official Wirek™

          Look… if you’re gonna be like (me) wirek, then fucking act like it! But again, Lily is mine! Know that I (we) attack this post sometime down the road “pretending we didn’t post it… even though we did. Come on now… this is all I (we) have… except for Lily. S(he)’s mine! My dick looks so good on (he)r. Okay so in short… like my dick… this is OUR MOMENT TO BE WIREK! (And my… just my this time… moment for Lily again! I feel better (A)fter (P)roofing this guide

          Remember that logic does not apply to you or anything you post! Everyone is your SIR! Lily will NEVER be a memory! (A)lways (P)ostpone is wonderful friend… but he will never have (he)r. Never back down and never surrender! You… You are now a Wirek! Fucking act like one!

          Who do you think you are!? I (WE) AM (ARE)!

          >this concludes our (now officially revised) enhanced, updated, poorly translated and (mis)spelled and lengthy guide

  20. ^^^^^clearly a fake because ‘wirek’ will say so and yet…^^^^^
    said it was time for a new game though I think he meant guide
    above comments include trademark in hyperlink
    blatant references to (A)lways (P)ostpone who (A)lways (P)osts in tandem with wirek
    (A)lways (P)ostpone now has trademark too prior to guide
    rapid multi posting
    severe mental degradation on display
    acronym but hurt overload

    how you think “he” is gonna call this a fake in his puss pocket SAD acronym hyperlinked filled reply
    >live look at wirek (and always postpone) right now

    • he won’t stop posting here.
      he needs this place for some reason.
      maybe it’s his “meds” like he says everyone else needs.
      also wtf did I just read in that guide?
      it literally is wirek-lily

      • yeah but people keep talking about him…..so he keeps responding,these 100+ comments are literally about 1 person who started the original name wirek…so the more people troll by using said name he just gains popularity,insults turn into content to the point where trolls have been born…a vicious cycle I like to call entertainment,some see it as a way to channel hate and racism but good for them for find a place where they can vent as a anon…the animopron community sticks together like velcro

        • kinda hard to ignore or evade someone who admits multi posting, changes names as often as the day, posts shit ‘guides’ like above and above all has essentially hijacked this place

          then again it doesn’t help ap posts less and less and what is this community you speak of? the people that pay to insult him or the people that do it for free?

    • wirek gave his dick to lily to ease “he”r transition and to celebrate their love for each other.
      how else do you explain his latest posting obsession with pegging, queer cocking and defensiveness of Lily?
      can’t fault their dad not returning with the milk or their mom self deleting.

    Last “delay” was on 2024-05-20 and icouldn’t find it yet (though i already have the “supporters version”)…

    • I’m not sure about you, but some of you/them keep indeed cumming here for me. Some of them are driven by blind psychotic hatred or by equally blind fanatical adoration… of either AnimoPron or me. Who cares anyway? Well, I’m here just for a laugh. Obviously, some SAD Impotent Retards get Frustrated And Furious (F&F) with anyone having fun… just because they themselves are Stupid And Depressed, and expect the whole world to be just like them.

    • Update, what Update? Progress by ANIMOPRON is not messured in updates but in delays!!!

    • suck the asshole too, get lara’s tongue covered in horse shit, then she swallows the sperm, chocolate + milk

      rimjobs are hot but cleaning the ass is unnatural, just suck the ass raw, dont clean the horse’s ass beforehand

      dirty natural rimjobs are hotter because they are more sadistic and brutal and also natural

      • wirek says he has ‘a lot of fun’ saying those things

        but seriously do you have fun saying those low insults
        ‘delusional’ ‘sad’ ‘impotent’ ‘brain-damaged’

        this guy is sad, i doubt he has fun saying that grotesque shit

        • i personally like insults and fights, but this cunt is just sad, im gonna start to not even read his messages

    • gtfo – it has been cleary communicated by AP that the release of EP2 will be in 2037!

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