122 Responses

  1. No way its taken this long for you to add a boss scene into this, you were producing 30+ minute long animation films not even that long ago. Maybe that’s ur niece and not this shitty game.

      • >amazing
        pick one

        you cheer a career scammer & someone who uses stolen assets that are pallette swapped in the game. there’s a reason NO ONE will either work for OR with him outside of his “team” he never mentioned until last year TWO YEARS after development when full time. but please continue to sing his praise as you pirate the game

    • the xxxl minotaur dildo is 8,3 cm in diameter in the head & 10cm diameter in the middle, and he takes it entirely

      • No, of course not. But it’s so cute that you’ve finally decided to come out of the closet with your gay obsessions, you poor queer cocksucker… despite the fact that you’re sooooo teeeeerribly slooooow… that it took you sooooo maaaaany daaaaays, SIR.

  2. list of emojis:

    angry beer coffee cool cry
    devil grin lol mad razz
    sad saint shock shoot sleep
    smile squint thumbsup wink

    put them between : :
    like :*beer*: without the *

  3. the more VARIETY the game has, the more fun it is

    put lara in extreme bdsm (torture etc), piss, feet fetish, scat, etc

      • agreed. instead of stupid scat stuff animo can make a scene where we could nail Tara to the cross and then slowlybdismember her limb after limb and enjoy her squirting fountains of blood everywhere. and then shove a sword in her pussy, step into her head and using it as a leverage rip her insides out it would be really nice to open her up like that I think.

      • anal is the place in which girls shit, so having the penis slightly dirty when doing natural anal is NATURAL

        you are all fucking stupid and afraid of reality, frail-minded weaklings
        what can you expect from the masses if they are afraid of public nudity and public stupid female nipples

        also rimjobs are naturally a little dirty, you pathetic weaklings

        • *wants to fuck asses*
          *gets ‘offended’ if is not 100% perfectly clean and the girl didnt took a 10 liter enema*

          kill yourself

    • i would tell him this in subscribestar but subscribestar has blocked my credit card for no reason
      (i saw in reddit a lot of people having the same problem with subscribestar)

      • subscribestar is changing its ToS in the coming months. the last of the outlaws finally riding into the sunset. animo gonna get canned (again) for more ToS just like from gumroad and patreon years back

    • *public service announcement*
      when yall learn animo is more hype creator than content creator
      you fully understand why thousands no longer pledge to him
      and why nearly all r34 content makers ignore his inquires/commissions

      >fun fact
      ‘member those horse animations he was working on… theyve been done for OVER FOUR YEARS

      • you can ride the horse in the subscribestar version

        the only problem is that he cant fuck you, you can get fucked by a stupid dinosaur but not by the horse yet


        animo be like: ‘lets create dinosaur animations before horse animations’


    • that feet is from ColonelYobo

      that feet is so hot it looks extremely brutal


    • feet are universally hot btw, everyone finds feet hot in more or less degree

      the stupid people that say they dont find hot feet hot are in denial

      hot feet are universally hot, thats just a fact

  4. It looks amazing, I just hope one tit doesn’t get bugged like last time, I hope it comes out this year if possible of course. Thanks for the update, I was already worried that you wouldn’t upload anything.

  5. Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek

    • Hush now, baby! Baby, don’t you cry. I’m still here… and around… like a shadow on the wall. Aww, it’s so cute you couldn’t last even those mere 10 days without me commenting in this place.
      Me say day-O.
      Feel free to express yourself. Don't be afraid.

      • you should go bungee jump and as you jump you drop a nut and as you go let it catch you on you the face on the way back up

        • “on you the face”
          I’m sure one day you’ll find a real man for yourself, most likely in jail, who’ll eventually fulfil even your gayest fantasies, you poor queer cocksucker. In the meantime, you’d better try to learn English in order to not embarrass yourself, SIR.

          • >learn english anon
            >lectures using improper sentence structure
            >what did he mean by this

          • learn english anon learn english anon learn english anon english anon english anon english anon english anon english anon english anon english anon english anon english anon english anon english anon english anon english anon english anon english anon english anon english anon english anon english anon english anon english anon english anon english anon english anon english anon english anon english anon english anon english anon english anon english anon english anon english anon english anon english anon english anon english anon english anon english anon

        • stop acknowledging their kinds presence
          theyre loyal to their handlers influence or financial support
          you offer neither

      • >how do you type so many different words and posts yet convey nothing of substance

        • @Anonymous 2024-09-29 at 06:10
          @Anonymous 2024-09-29 at 06:12
          So says a hypocritical nonsensical off-topic spammer who posted “so many different […] posts” in just few minutes of a single day as I did in a week on this page, and who cannot comprehend what emphasis (in a sentence structure) or basic orthography, or basic punctuation is. Good job, retarded pedant! I’m sure you wouldn’t comprehend anything of the substance either even if I drew it for you with crayons, SIR. Obviously, I always cherish such imprecise (thus unconstructive) criticism from a HIPI who’s ineptly trying to defend another idiot just like himself.
          It was really hilarious, though… seeing you shoot yourself in the foot again and again just like that. And from that perspective… I love it, SIR!

          • Orthography includes punctuation within it you baboon niggernogajubu

          • @Anonymous 2024-10-02 at 15:39
            “includes punctuation within it”
            That’s great it doesn’t include punctuation without it or even outwith it, SIR. I love your entertaining idiocy, though.
            Thanks for babbling the obvious, Sherlock, but if you were intelligent enough, you would notice that I've listed just a few topics in the descending order of their complexity. And even the least complex topic is still beyond your comprehension, HIPI.

  6. Great work can’t wait to see whats next
    If possible post more here as well for folks who are broke

    • you can get fucked by dinosaurs and statues but not by the horse


  7. if a woman would let you do anything you want to her

    what would you do to her?

        • you ever had a itchy asshole,like a really annoying itch,and you’re praying to the fart gods to just summon one at that moment and they bless you,and just lay on that fart and it comes in clutch!!!!?,feels so good it makes your nipples hard and lowkey releases some dopamine so you feel good in that moment?Wirek? Yes?

          • No, of course not. But it’s so cute that you’ve decided to share your muddy wet dreams with us all, you fartknocker. Apparently you’ve damaged the jelly between your own ears permanently with your habit of eating all kinds of bullshit, DEAR SIR.
            I’m so, so… so terribly sorry that I don’t share your sick desires, weirdo.

          • fuck off nerd talking about ‘dopamine’

            fucking sophisticated retards talking about molecules and shit

          • I got one for both of you miserable cucks its caller Jackin’ the bean stalk,you need a bean bag and a hacky sack for this one,so Jackin’ the bean stalk is when you just pull pants down and sit on a bean bag and take the hacky sack and put it under your nuts and just jerk off

      • i wish you could dismember ̶l̶a̶r̶a̶ tara
        and then make her regrow her arms and legs later through magic or something like that

        • “i discovered an artifact, it makes me able to regenerate body damage so i can take any torture and regenerate” – ̶l̶a̶r̶a̶ tara

    • i would fuck her ass very hard
      then her throat very hard while choking her
      then her ass very hard and fast again
      then her throat deepthroat while choking her
      i would spit on her mouth and make her swallow it
      then i would piss on her mouth and make her swallow it
      then i would shit on her mouth and make her swallow it

    • farts are boring

      the only farts that are fun is sadistic farts, farting on someone’s face

  8. Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek Wirek

  9. I am committed to fostering a positive, inclusive environment where every voice is not only heard but truly valued. I believe in the power of open dialogue, thoughtful conversations, and mutual support to create connections that uplift and empower us all. Together, let’s build a space where we can inspire, grow, and thrive as individuals.

  10. I am still waiting for an answer back to my question about and it is already 3 days back =
    I support you and I can NOT adjust her with the body sliders and yet I support you and the game. Let me know how that can be solved

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